Chapter 24

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A/N : Hey guys! So thank you so much for every read. That is frickin amazing that it is almost up to 1000. I know not yet but only 5 more.  ;) I would have never thought that this would have made it this far. Thank you guys so much! Now a little anouncements. So I know this is kind of a crappy chapter...whoops...sorry. But I can promise that the next one wont be as bad. Two, the end is coming! And I will say there will be a sequel, trust me i know you guys will want a sequel. ;) Three, I know it might be alittle fast and all but I am going to put up another story. Adommy of course. I just had really good idea for this one so hopefully you guys will take a look at that one too. So thanks again for sticking with me and hope you are still enjoying this and I cant wait for the end. ;D Feedback is recommended. ;)

Adam POV
The room was dark except for the little light that was provided by the moonlight shining through the window. I look up, slightly getting out of the position that I laid in right next to Tommy. His head laid softly on my chest with one hand across my stomach. My arm was wrapped around his little body, holding him closer to me. I started to look around the room in confusion. What happened? The room had clothes thrown everywhere. The couch was all messed up. Then everything started coming back.

After the show, Tommy and I left the building and ran off to the hotel that we all were staying at. We made it to the floor with all of our rooms on it. Tommy began to head into his room as I grabbed his hand and turned him to face me. I kiss him and he got closer and deepened it. My arms snaked around his waist while his wrapped around my neck. I began to move us towards my room. Still not breaking off the kiss, I fiddle around to open the door. In success we make it into the room. Once the door was shut, the clothes started to be stripped away from our bodies. Landing onto the couch, I started to trail kisses down his bare chest. He stops me and says with little breath.

"Let's move to the bed." So I pick him up and carry him over to the bed. And then that is where we had all of our fun. Ending up entangled in the sheets, bodies close together, and laying in the position that we stand now.

I look down at my beautiful Glitterbaby. I am so lucky to have a boyfriend like him. And it's perfect because now the whole world knows. Yeah there are going to be those fans that will disagree and possibly leave but for the majority of the fandom, all the Glamberts pretty much accept everything that happens. So I have no worries. The only thing that I fear in the future is Sauli. I don't know why but I keep on getting this really bad feeling about him. But I will make sure that he never comes close to me, Tommy, or anyone in the band.

While my mind was going crazy with thoughts about the future, I began to feel Tommy move around a little. His head moved from its position on my chest to lifting it up in the air. He started to look around but I noticed that his eyes were closed. He doesn't sleepwalk, does he? Leaving my side he starts to get up from the bed. All I could hear was the footsteps of Tommy walking around the hotel room. What the hell is he doing? I slowly get out of bed and follow the sound of his footsteps. I followed and it lead me to the kitchen area. Turning on the kitchen light, I find Tommy standing in the middle of the kitchen. His back was turned towards me. Moving slowly towards him I made my way to the front of him. His eyes were still closed. This is very odd. Placing my hand onto his shoulder, he jumped and his eyes shot wide open. He stared blankly at me, confusion starting to replace the blankness.

"Tommy, are you alright?" He looks towards me and then sleepiness takes over his body. His body begins to collapse as I reach out to catch him. I sit on the cold, hard kitchen floor on my legs holding Tommy in my arms. He started to move around and then looks up at me, just waking up.

"Adam, why are we in the kitchen? I'm cold." I move the fringe out of his face and find his sleepy eyes start to close shut. Concealing the dark brown eyes that I adore. He starts to curl up, closer to me and into chest. Wrapping my arms around him, I begin to carry him back to the bed. Turning off the light, I softly put Tommy back into his spot. Climbing right beside him I wrap my arms around his body. The coldness from his body started to send chills and give me goosebumps. Good thing though, my body heat is hotter than most people so I can warm him up in no time. He fell alseep and now I guess it's time for me to do so too. But I wanted to make sure that he is going to be okay for the rest of the night. I won't let go. My eyes began to feel heavier and heavier as they drop, leaving my mind and body to fall asleep.

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