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Tommy POV

My heart just got smashed against the wall. Shattered into a millions of pieces. So this is why he had to take this break, huh? So he could run off with Sauli?! My hands began to shake with the rage that was flowing through me. The only thing that I could think about was just completely destroying this entire room. I drop my phone on the couch and grab whats closest to me which is a lamp.


Millions of glass shards fly everything. I didn't care at all. I just needed to get this anger out. I grab my phone and keys for my room and leave out the door. When I get out of my room, I look up and the band is standing outside of their doors staring at me with scared looks. I just needed to get out. I ran past them and rushed downstairs. Pushing through the front doors, I don't care where I go, I just need to clear my head.

Adam POV

I should make my way to Sauli's house but I just want to get away and clear my head. Walk around a bit. I just walk around in like a maze pattern. Not knowing where to go but I find myself at the park. The park that Tommy and I use to hang out. Like the time we just sat here and talked until we had to go to rehearsals. I loved that moment. Sitting back down into the same bench that we sat at gave the same feeling that got when I was here with him. I wanted him here with me so bad. In my arms, so I can keep him safe from the rest of the world.

"Im so sorry Tommy. For all of this. I shouldn't have gone through with it and broke you into pieces again. I was suppose to be there for you, but I failed. I need you, just as much as you probably need me. I cant live without you, I am slowly dying inside. If I could rewind time and change one thing it would be loosing you. I never meant to hurt you in anyway. I was trying to save you. He's making me do all this. I promise you I still love you with all my heart." I was just speaking my mind and then I hear a snap of a stick which scares me.


Tommy POV

I didn't know where I was going to, I wanted to get away from that hotel. I kept on feeling my phone vibrate and ring but I just ignored it. After awhile I decided to check and see who it was. Of course....it was Ashley. Just slipped the phone back into my pocket and carried on. Walking past the park I felt a strong pull come from the park. It was drawing me to it. I had a weird feeling about this but just went with it.

There wasn't anyone out surprisingly. Usually there would be people just like me, just need to get out and let their thoughts run wild. Or am I just the only one? I checked the time real quick. 12:45 a.m. its not that late. As I venture deeper into the park I find the bench that Adam and I came to that one day. I miss those days. The moments that we shared with each other. I will never forget them.

I suddenly hear footsteps in the distance coming closer that snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up further up the trail and I see a tall figure walking this way. With one quick glance I notice it is Adam. He has his head down looking lost. I didn't want him seeing me so I quickly over to the tree that was behind the bench. I hear the footsteps stop. Looking around the tree I see Adam has sat down on the bench. He is looking so lonely. Where's Sauli? One thing I know for sure is Adam is drunk or at least has had some to drink. I can smell the alcohol. I was about to walk over to him when he began to talk.

"Im so sorry Tommy. For all of this. I shouldn't have gone through with it and broke you into pieces again. I was suppose to be there for you, but I failed. I need you, just as much as you probably need me. I cant live without you, I am slowly dying inside. If I could rewind time and change one thing it would be loosing you. I never meant to hurt you in anyway. I was trying to save you. He's making me do all this. I promise you I still love you with all my heart." As I heard these flow through Adam's mouth I had to place my hand over my mouth to stop myself from being heard. Tears were streaming down my face, I shy away back to the back side of the tree. Did he really mean all that? No...no its probably just the alcohol talking. That one part that wants me to believe Adam tried moving me to get closer to Adam while the other part was holding me back. While my body was fighting with its self I accidentally stepped on a branch.

"Hello? Who's there?" Shit...What am I going to do? I could hear Adam get up off of the bench and move closer to the tree. When I heard his footsteps get so close that I thought that he saw me, the ringtone of Adam's phone goes off. Adam pulls away from the tree and answers the call.

"What Sauli?!.......Im still on my way to your house, why?.........No I don't want you near me right now.......I will make my way alone.....I'll be there when I get there....okay bye." He sounded really upset. He shouldn't be walking alone. Especially this late and with him drunk.

He starts walking the way that I came into the park. Maybe I should follow him to make sure he makes it safely. We make it out of the park onto the street. I keep my distance so he doesn't recognize me. Traveling through the city, we start to cross over a bridge.

When I got to the middle of it, I turn towards the side of it. I leaned over the edge to look at the water. The water was all dark and seemed welcoming. Lifting up one leg over the railing the other one followed. Swinging my legs over the edge, I felt so free.

"Tommy! Please don't!" And with that I slipped off and started to fall. But then someone grabbed my arm and held on. I look up and find the face of Adam looking down at me.

"Adam let me go!" I yell at him. I want to fall. I want to leave.

"No Tommy! I am holding on, Im never letting go!" He tightened his grip on me. I tried to wiggle out of his hold but he was holding on pretty tight. I grab his hand that was holding onto me with my free hand and tried to pry his grip. Slowly each finger was loosing its battle and I started to slip.

"Tommy stop it! Im trying to save you!"

"I don't need your saving Adam! I needed it once but never again!" I pried the last finger, letting me free fall down to the dark water.

"Nooo! Tommy!" That was the last thing I heard before I hit the water. Then my life was no more.

Someone ran into me knocking me out of my little daydream. I shook my head to clear the thoughts away. Where did Adam go? Shit I lost him. I make my way down the street and spot him a block ahead. I speed up to catch but not too much. Then we make it out of the city into less crowded areas. These are nice houses. Wow...he's probably pretty rich. Finally Adam turns left into the driveway of one of the houses. He unlocks the house and walks right in. I stand outside looking up at the house. Something pulls me towards the house but I hold back. I noticed that Sauli isn't here. Should I go and talk to him?

A/N : Hey yeah special occasion. Updating twice in one day. ;) A reader asked so I said sure why not. :) Its alittle short but here ya go! Enjoy. :)

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