We'll Get Through This

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Adam POV

I rush out of the band dressing room looking both ways down the hallway. I frantically ran towards the exit.

"Adam! Where are you going?!" Ashley yelled after me.

"Im going to find the one that means the most to me." I didn't care if the band or anyone else heard that but I do need to find him. Especially if Sauli has him, who knows what will happen. I bust through the door and stand in an alleyway. It was raining pretty hard. I look one way, dead end. The other way and there is something in the middle of the alley. Is that someone laying there? Oh no....

"Tommy!" I ran towards the figure laying down. Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay....oh god please be okay....I got closer to the middle of the alleyway, standing there with the body in front of me. I recognize the clothes....its Tommy. I drop to my knees and examine all the cuts and bruises that played upon Tommy's porcelain face.

"Oh Tommy.....Im so sorry...." A whisper is all that can come out of my mouth. Even though the atmosphere was wet, my mouth was dry, there was nothing that could come out. I didn't want to see the sight that I am seeing.

"Tommy...baby....please wake up..." The tears of guilt started to flow down my cheeks. The rain and the tears were washing away all the makeup and glitter, forming puddles underneath me. I couldn't scream out for help. I am the one that did this to him. Its all my fault. I cradle him into my chest. Holding him tightly to me. I don't want to let him go. His body just laid limp.

"A-Adam...." Bringing Tommy's body away from mine, I see this deep brown eyes look back at me. He looks around in confusion.

"Tommy....I thought I lost you." I lift him up into my arms more, so he is sitting up right. He groans as he shifts around.

"What hurts?" He started coughing, leaning over he coughs and red liquid appears in the puddle next to us.

"Oh baby...you're hurt bad." I moved his wet hair out of his face, some of the blood was washing away by the rain but soon it was replaced.

"Adam....I-Im sorry....."

"Tommy you don't have to be sorry. You did nothing wrong. Im going to get you out of here." My arms slipped underneath his legs carrying him bridal style. With every step I took, he groaned in pain.

"Im sorry..we're almost there." I get to the door, Ashley was waiting for me there.

"Oh my god, what happened?!" I walked by her and went to my dressing room. Laid him down onto the couch. Ashley came running in, shutting the door behind her, and then grabbing some blankets for the closet. I stripped off the wet clothes that he had on down to his boxers. Coming over to the couch Ashley spreads out the blankets and covers Tommy with them. Once I knew that he was safe, I got out of my wet clothes into some sweatpants and a t-shirt. Sitting on the floor Ashley was staring at Tommy to make sure he was still breathing. I sat right next to her and watched him.

He looked so beat up. If it wasn't for my actions, this would have never happened. I am the reason why Tommy is like this. Ashley could tell I was blaming myself for all this.

"Adam its alright. We will get through this together. You guys are going to be just fine. I know it." She grabs my hand and squeezes it lightly giving me a smile, I return a weak one. Slowly Tommy wakes up and looks around. Immediately I come to his side. He looks over at me, attempting to smile but you could see that he was in pain.

"Adam....Im so, so sorry....."

"Don't speak baby. You need to save up your energy." He tried to move but he limped back down.

There He Goes... ~Adommy~ (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now