You're Mine

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Tommy POV

I can feel the warm sun shine onto my face as I slowly wake up. I wonder what time it is but I don't feel like opening my eyes. Then I feel my head move up and down as in a breathing motion. I don't remember my pillow breathing before. I open up one eye and find myself laying on top of Adam's chest. All the memories of last night started to flow back to me again. I started to blush just thinking that i slept all night on Adam's chest. Not wanting to move and wake him up, I just laid there. I knew i couldn't go back to sleep. Once Im up, I'm up. In a matter of time Adam starts moving around alittle. Then his eyes fluttered open showing those crystal blue eyes.

"Good morning Babyboy." I say to him. Looking up to him as he rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning." He said giving a little smile.

Adam POV

I wake up to the sight of Tommy laying on my chest, the way he was when i fell asleep. I didn't really expect to wake up to him still being here. I take my hand and push some pieces of hair out of his face to reveal the beauty that was hiding underneath. He starts to blush, I find that so adorable.

I wonder when the right time is to tell him how I really feel for him. I bet he doesn't even feel the same towards me.  He just probably wants to keep with this "for the fan's entertainment" card. I place my hand on his cheek, rubbing my thumb against it.

"I've got a question to ask you.." i said softly to Tommy. His eyes slowly meet mine. What if everything goes wrong? What if this ruins our friendship?

"Tommy...When we had that kiss at the concert. It didn't feel like one of our normal Fever kisses. There was something different. Like it actually...meant something. There was so much passion in that kiss. It finally made me realize what I actually feel for you is true. I love you, Tommy Joe Ratliff. I truly and deeply do. I love everything about you and i never spoke out about this because I thought..."

"That it would ruin our friendship? Never." He smiles, gets up from laying on my chest to hovering over me. Leaning down closer to where our lips had little distance from each other.

"I love you too, Adam." He whispers as our lips collide together. I was slightly surprised to this action. I actually thought that he would walk out the door and never come back. So once comfortable with what was happening, i deepen the kiss. As soon as our kisses escalated a little, my cell phone began to ring on the nightstand. I let go of the kiss and reached for my phone. I whispered softly 'I'm sorry' to Tommy before I answered.


"Hey Adam, its Ashley. I was just calling you to let you know that the band is down here having breakfast. You want to come and join?"

"Yeah that sounds great! I will be right down."

"Okay cool. I think Tommy is still asleep. I have been trying to get a hold of him but he wont answer. I'm going to go and head up there to wake him..."

"Oh no its okay. I will go wake him up on my way down." I give a wink towards Tommy who just rolls his eyes.

"Okay thanks Adam. See you soon." I get off the phone and place it back onto the nightstand. Tommy looks at me and pouts giving me the trembling lip.

"Do we have to go?" he asks. I give him a peck on the lips while trying to get up.

"Yeah we should. I'll race you down there." He gives me a smirk before jumping off of me and runs towards the door. I just laid there to give him a little head start. Then I jump off of the bed too to chase after Tommy downstairs.

A/N : Thank you all for who is reading this. It makes me very happy. :) How are you guys all liking it? Give me some feedback because feedback is good. ^_^ Good or bad i don't mind. It all helps me. Comment and vote. :) Sorry for the short chapter. ;) Thank you and keeping on reading. ;)

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