Im Here For You

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A/N : Hey all! Sorry for this chapter, it is long and a horrible person. Im sorry. Hate me all you want. Sorry...but here's an update. please give feedback. :) Thank you! Love ya!

Adam POV

As we arrived at the hotel, Tommy was asleep in my arms. The driver came around to my side of the car and opened the door for me. I carried Tommy into the hotel. When I got to the elevator, I didn't have much trouble pushing the button with Tommy still in my arms. Hopefully nobody sees us. If they do I'll just say he was drunk and fell asleep on the way home, I was just helping him to his room. Yep, that will work out.

Finally we got to his room. Unlocked, of course. Getting inside the door, shutting it with my foot as I slipped into the darkness that waited in the room. I had to find the bed in the maze of his stuff scattered everywhere. Made it to the bed and lightly put Tommy down. Took off his shoes and tucked him in. Before I left i leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you. Goodnight Tommy." As I begin to leave, I hear a mumbling sound come from Tommy. I turn around just to hear.

"Adam? I don't want you to leave...can you please stay?" I look down at him just to find a tired Tommy looking back up at me. I couldn't leave him like this...

"Yeah Tommy, I can stay." A little smile appeared on his face as I took off my shoes and slide in next to him. I wrapped my arms around him from behind. I could feel him snuggle up closer to me. I loved falling asleep with him in my arms.

"Goodnight baby." I whisper into his ear. He lets out a little giggle and then responds.

"Goodnight Babyboy." After hearing that, we both fell right to sleep.


Tommy POV

When I woke up, I could feel that something was missing. Adam? I didn't feel his strong embrace around me. I open my eyes to reveal the other side of the bed empty. But I did smell something very familiar. Was that the smell of eggs? I look towards the kitchen area and see that there is tons of stuff scattered all over the counters. Adam was cooking, of course he was. I lifted myself out of bed and walked into the kitchen. Walk into the sight of Adam cooking eggs, like I guessed. Walking up behind him, wrapping my tiny arms around him, i hear a laugh come from Adam.

"Well good morning. I didn't expect you up this early. I was just going to make you breakfast in bed." He smiled down at me.

"Aww you didn't have to do that. I don't deserve that." I stood up on my tippy-toes to kiss him on the lips real quick. I felt like he was trying his hardest to show me that he can be a great boyfriend. I love it. I love him. Im so glad to have him around.

He gets done cooking while I go and sit on the couch. He brings over a plate of eggs and hands it to me as he sits down next to me. We watch some TV. Nothing was on today.

"So what do you plan on doing today with your free day?" He asks me, breaking the silence.

"I don't know. Probably just sit here and do nothing at all. Why? What are you planning on doing?"

"I don't know. I was kind of thinking that we should go out to a bar tonight. Have some fun." He gives me a little smirk. I kind of liked that idea. Haven't gone out to a bar for awhile.

"Sounds fun. Lets do it." He gets to biggest grin on his face as he gets up from the couch.

"Im going to get in the shower real quick. How about you get ready while I go do that. Okay?" I nod my head as he struts his way into the bathroom. I watch him go before he disappears. He is all mine. Just thinking that thought made me really happy inside. So like Adam said, I went to my suitcase to pick out some clothes for tonight. The usual. Not going to dress up much, no need to. When I finally got ready, Adam came out of the shower and started to get ready too. Once he was all dressed up, he started to glam himself all up. When we were all dressed and ready, we made our way downstairs and grabbed a taxi.  Just in case we are too drunk to do anything afterwards.

When we arrived at the bar, the doors open and the loud music explodes through. This is going to be a long night.


Adam POV

So we have been here for a couple hours. I am having a lot of fun. Tommy is too which is good. I kinda lost him awhile ago, he saw someone that he knew so I let him talk. I didn't want to bother. I make my way over to the bar and take a seat. When I order my drink, someone sits next to me that is pretty attractive. He's short, has cute blue eyes, and has a cute accent. No Adam, you are with Tommy. You cant think of other guys.

"Hey. Can I buy you a drink?" I look over him to see him smiling over at me. That smile was really cute. Don't get hooked Adam. Think about Tommy. But he was just being nice, right?

"Sure." I tried to be polite. I smile as he pays for my drink. He's just being nice that's all. There's nothing wrong with that.

Tommy POV

I finally get done talking to my friend that have not seen since highschool. So it was nice to talk to them again. Now where the heck is Adam? I kind of lost him. So I tried to remember what he was wearing and look for him. This place ain't that big, so it should pretty easy. Then I heard the familiar laugh of Adam. I moved closer to his laugh as I spot him talking with some guy. Who was this guy? The guy was pretty close to Adam, too close. He had his hand on Adam's leg. Looking up and down Adam's body. He was flirting with Adam and Adam had no clue.

Oh kicking in. That feeling of being abandoned. Feeling so alone. Everyone I get close too tends on leaving me in the end. I had to get out of here and get to the hotel. As I rush out of the bar, I grab my phone out of my pocket to text Adam that I left early and I'll be at the hotel. I catch a cab and on the way I get a text from :

What's wrong baby? Do I need to come?

All I could do was cry. Tears started to stream down my face. Why does this happen to me? I always get this feeling and then do something that I always regret doing. I finally arrive at the hotel. Running up to my room, I open the door and lock it. Find my way to the bathroom through the darkness and find myself in front of the mirror, holding a blade to my skin. Why do I always do this? I cant do this to Adam. If he ever found out that I use to do this and plan on doing it again, he would think Im a monster. As my mind switches from thinking of Adam to the blade on my skin. More tears start to stream down my cheeks. I get another text from Adam.

Baby talk to me please. I need to know that you are okay.

I fall to the ground crying uncontrollably. No Adam....Im not okay.... I sit on the cold ground with the blade still on my warm skin. Just one cut. It will make everything feel better. More tears sting my eyes as the blade makes its way across my arm. Blood starts to leak onto the bathroom floor. Quickly I get up and clean it up. As I was cleaning up the wound, I hear Adam's voice carry through the hotel room. Shit....

"Tommy? You in here?"

"Yeah hold on Adam! I'll be out in a minute!" I reply frantically. Cleaning up the wound and then hide my blade somewhere Adam wouldn't find it. When I get out of the bathroom I find Adam sitting in front of the door waiting for me.

"Are you okay, Tommy? Have you been crying? Whats wrong?" He came over to me looking worried. All I could think about was sleep.

"All I want to do is sleep..." I don't even look up at him and just get into the bed. He comes over to the bed and gets in right behind me, like he always does.

"Goodnight baby. I love you." He whispers into my ear. He gives me a kiss on the neck and falls asleep.

" you too." I say before crying myself to sleep.

There He Goes... ~Adommy~ (Boyxboy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin