Getting Worse

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Adam POV

Suddenly I wake up to movement on the bed. I open my eyes to find Tommy moving around. He starts rolling around. I go to grab his shoulder when he elbows me in the stomach. All the air that was inside me, rushed out from the blow. He must be having a nightmare again. I sit up from the laying position I was in.

"Tommy..." I shake his shoulder a little hoping that I could wake him up.

"Tommy baby...." I attempted it once again but this time he moved further away from me, like he was afraid. His eyes were still closed, still  asleep. Not one of these again. I move closer to him and wrap my arms around him.

"Leave me alone! Get away! Don't hurt me please!"

"Tommy! Its me! Baby please wake up!" I got on top of him to try and wake him up. He tried hitting and smacking but I was stronger and I held his wrists down to the bed. Wiggling and squirming under me, Tommy kept moving to get away from me.

"Go away!" He kept screaming and moving. They are getting worse. It use to be easier to wake him up. But its getting out of control. I looked around the area to see what I could use. There was a glass of water on the nightstand. Well its all I have. While trying to grab the glass, I kept missing because of the squirming Tommy beneath me. I finally get a good grip on the glass and spill all of the water on top of him. His eyes shoot wide open.

"What the fuck are you thinking Adam?!" He struggles to get out underneath me. I slip off of him as he scrambles out of bed. Running to the corner of the room and curls up.

"Aww baby. You were having another one of your nightmares." He looks at me with his stringy, wet hair in his face. Dripping onto his shirt, leaving little dark dots all over. I look into his eyes. Those deep brown eyes and all I could find was fear.

"Are they getting worse?" I look down at my lap to think of what to say. My poor baby, its been only a week and a half and his nightmares have been getting worse...But I have been here for him. I haven't left his side since that night. I softly nod my head, slowly lifting up my head to meet his eyes. His eyes began to tear up.

"Please, please don't cry Glitterbaby." I rush over to his side, forcing him into my arms. He hides his face into my chest. Soon I feel the tears begin to soak my shirt. I rub his back gently trying not to hurt him. He is still hurting and everything from the incident.

"What is wrong with me?"

"Nothing's wrong with you Tommy. You are perfect. Look at me." I lift up his head to meet my eyes. Tears were streaming down his cheeks.

"Nothing's wrong. You went through a lot and this is just your mind reacting to it. That's all." He leans back into me as I start to play with his hair.

"Im sorry that I got you into this. Its all my fault. You would not have gotten hurt like this."

Tommy POV

Once I heard Adam starting to say all this stuff, it made me feel so bad. I got up from the position I was in to face Adam. I placed my hands on both sides of his face so that he would look at me.

"Adam please don't feel guilty about this. This is not your fault. This was probably bound to happen to me sooner or later."

"But not like this Tommy. If I would have not talked to Sauli, then this whole situation would not have happened. I would not have put you into harms way." His eyes were filled with guilt. He tried looking away from me.

"You shouldn't even stay with'll just get hurt more."

"Hey look at me. I love you Adam. I love you so much. I will always be by your side no matter what. If it means getting beaten up, then so be it. As long as I am with you." I lean down and kiss him. He deepens the kiss but then pulls away.

"Tommy I cant let you do that. What if you end up dead, I wouldn't ever be able to live with myself..."

"Then I would die loving you. I will always love you Adam. Don't ever forget that." I climb into his lap and curl up into him. His strong arms tighten around me. Making me feel safe.

"I love you too Tommy. I never want to let you go." He snuggles his face into my neck. My hand finds its place on the back of his neck. Running my fingers through his hair. I want to stay in his arms forever. I don't want him to ever let go of me. I begin to feel Adam's breathes to get slower. He falls limp as he falls asleep. I look over at the clock to see the time. Its 4:00 a.m. I'll let him sleep.

I slip out of his hold and grab some pillows and the comforter and bring it down to wear Adam laid. I made everything so he was comfortable. I laid up next to him and fell asleep myself.


I slowly wake up to Adam moving around. I look up at him to see him looking down at me. Was he watching me sleep?

"Hey baby, are you feeling up to doing a concert? We have one tonight and I don't think the substitute is good enough. I need my Glitterbaby back." He is such a dork.

"I think I am well enough to do so. I miss it. Especially our Fever kisses." I give him a wink as he leans down and gives me a kiss.

"Well let me go and let Ashley know. And you get ready, we have rehearsals in a couple of hours." He lifts up off of the floor and leaves the room. I stretch my arms and just sit there. I don't want to get up really. Im feeling really lazy.

"Tommy! Get your lazy butt up!" I swear he can just read my mind. So slowly but surely I get my butt off of the floor. And start to get dressed for rehearsals.

A/N : Hope you guys are enjoying it still. ;) I cant believe that the views are that high! Thank you guys so much! You guys are seriously the best readers I could ever ask for. :') A little announcement, I have another Adommy story I have published and have been updating on. It would mean a lot if you guys could take a look at that one too. Cool. Haha so thanks again for all the support. Love you guys! <3 Please give feedback. I love feedback. :)

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