Chapter Six

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Tonya POV

Wow...David wasn't kidding when he meant he was going to live in a penthouse. It could use a lady's touch though and I already see that Julia already added her own to the kitchen. It was a picture of her and David hung on the front of the refrigerator...It doesn't look finished though.

For a nine year old, she's a good drawer.It was very detailed and she even signed her name on the  bottom right corner.

I smiled a bit.

David wasn't home so it was just Julia and I.She looked happy and not your average child happy, I'm talking staring off into space and giggling a lot more than she usually does.

"Julia?"I asked trying to get her attention.

"Hm? Oh, yes mommy?"She asked.

"You look like you have something on your mind.What is it?"

"N-nothing..."She said shyly.

"Come on, you can tell me . I'm your mother. "I said reassuringly.

"Well...I'll tell you if I can try out for soccer."She said smiling.

I never thought she'd be into sports considering her girly girl personality.I guess that's what happens when your child lives with her father for a few months.


After I dropped Julia off at the Rec Center, I came back home.A few minutes afterwards, there was a knock at the door.

I looked through the peep hole and saw a woman with long blood red hair.Something about her was off...but despite my gut feeling, I opened the door.

"Dav-...Who are you? "She asked letting herself in.

"Um, who are you? "I asked with the same exact rudness of her.

"Who am I? I'm Mrs.Monica Autumns,"She chukled."I'm carrying David's baby."She said all smiles as she revealed a huge baby bump.From the looks of it, she looked about 2 to 3 months pregnant.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Let me guess . You're the cleaning lady? David has got class hiring someone to clean."She smiled."Anyways, you can leave now, I'm just going to wait on him to get home . Where's that little brat, Julie?"She asked.

"You mean my daughter, Julia? "I said standing in her way.

"Daughter? Oooh, you're her mother? Wow,how'd you get David to claim her?"She asked snickering.

"Look, I don't know who the hell you think you are, but apparently you have a problem and an attitude that needs to be put in check . I'm not the maid around here, I'm David's girlfriend and the mother of his child and I know he he knows better than to mess with trash like you.So, if you will, get the hell out of our home."I said as I shoved her out the door.

"Bitch, just wait till David gets here! I'm  not going anywhere either!"She said crossing her arms.

"Fine."I said slamming the door in her face.

Once he gets home, I'm going to have a chat with him about that girl.

"Ouch..."A sharp pain came from my side, but it didn't last long.

It might have been the intense moment I just had, but who knows.


David POV

When the elevator door opened, I was attacked by a squealing Monica.

"DAVID!"She yelled.

"What the hell? Get off of me!"I said as I pushed her arms away.

"Ugh, don't deny me sweetie, you know we-"

A loud thud came from my apartment door.I then remembered that Tonya was home and Julia probably dropped something.

I was shocked when I saw Tonya's body on laid out on the floor looking nearly lifeless.She was still breathing, but just barely.

I picked her up and carried her to the parking lot downstairs since the elevator was taking forever.Monica was hot on my trail as well and at the moment I was focused on Tonya.

"David! David! Where the hell are you going!?"She shouted behind me.

It was raining slightly and it was unusually cold all of a sudden. I was feeling the affects of the cold air because I wrapped her in my jacket.

I've never been this scared in my entire life. I didn't know if I was going into the hospital with someone and coming out alone.


Julia POV

...Mommy was supposed to come get me 5 hours ago...

It's pouring rain, cold, and dark. I feel like crying . I'm afraid and everywhere I look I feel like there something laying in the shadows.

I puffed out a cloud of my breath...

"Its...F-freezing..."I said to myself as I looked out from under the closed consession stand.There was a cover over it was I was dry, but every moment I stood under here, the more it poured.

Then came the horribly cold wind.I couldn't deal with this...I had to leave...and go mommy and daddy...


It was 8 o'clock when I left the conssesion stand...and when I got home.It was 1 AM...

I was cold...Drenched in water...scared...crying...and I couldn't for the life of me feel my toes...My hair was a mess, I passed by a mirror in the empty lobby, my cleats were covered in mud and I had freezing water in them too...

I took the elevator up to our floor, it took a while because my fingers were so shaky.

Once I got to our door, I turned the handle was locked.

"...M-mommy..."I knocked on the door."Mommy? Daddy?"I knocked again.

I spent atleast 30 minutes knocking and then...I started to cry.

"MOMMY!!!"I shouted sliding down the door.

I had atleast hoped someone heard me screaming, but I remembered that there were barely any people on this floor and the people that did live here were this couple, but in remembered hearing them going to some place on vacation.

I was completely alone, crying, and cold...

Never in my life have I felt so miserable and deserted...I..I don't understand what I did to deserve this...

I pray every night, I'm honest, and I never hurt anyone...So why...What did I do?

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