Chapter Eleven

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Julia P.O.V



That was Gracie on the diving board.

"C'mon Julia!Get it!"She shouted as she swam around like a dog.

I just stuck my feet in the water and moved them around.They reminded me a little tiny fish swimming around.

I was spending the day with Gracie and her family...Including Mason.

"Um,I'm good!"I said waving my hands in front of my face.

She smiled and swam off somewhere.Obviously she was planning something...but what?

"Why aren't you swimming?"Mason asked as he emerged from the water.

"I just don't like getting wet is all."I lied.I loved to play in water,except the time when I had to walk in rain.

I wasn't about to tell him that I didn't know how to swim because if I do he'll think I'm a loser.

He was staring behind me and laughing.Before I could turn around to see what he was laughing at I got a face full of water.

I was in the pool! I was really in the water!

Immediately I started to freak out because 1;I couldn't breathe or see and 2; I CAN'T SWIM!

Finally I was able to breathe but I was squeezing the life out of Mason.

"Okay!Okay!Julia I got you!You can let got now!"He said trying to get loose from my grip.

"NO!"I yelled.

"We're in the shallow part just put you feet down."He said calmly.

I hesitated and slowly touched the pool floor.First my big toe,then my entire foot.

"See,I told you."He said wiping some water from his eyes.

"Oh my gosh,Julia!I'm so sorry,I didn't know you couldn't swim."Gracie said as she swam over to us.

"It's okay."I said as I splashed at her.

"Hey!"She yelled and then splashed back only I moved out of the way and the water hit Mason.

He frowned and started dunking us under water.The second time around it wasn't as bad,still scary,but fun at the same time.

Even though I can't swim,I still had fun.I was expecting them to laugh at me and the fact that I can't swim,but they didn't care.
After we went swimming,Gracie's parents took us all out to eat at a sea food restaurant.

"What are those?"I asked pointing to small purple things in a big silver bowl like thing.The purple things had suction cup arms and their heads were like lollipops.

"Those are octopi,sweetie."Gracie's mom said as she picked one up."Want one?"She asked holding it out to me.

"N-no, thank you..."I said as I backed away a bit.

She laughed and ate it right in front of me.I felt like I was going to puke because you could hear the squishy noises it made as she chewed on it,bleh!

Gracie was just like her mom,even though they looked nothing alike.Gracie's mom had long straight brown hair,brown eyes,and she was pale.Gracie had curly bright blonde hair like her dad,hazel eyes like her dad,and she was tan just like her dad.

To be completely honest,her dad was pretty cute...I guess you could say I like older men? Just kidding...Probably.

"You should try the squid,it's really good."Mason said holding out a big piece of squid.

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