Chapter Four Pt.1

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David POV

I still can't believe she asked me that. I keep forgetting that she doesn't know much about Tonya's condition and just to think one day I'm going to have to break it to her.

I could barely sleep last night.All the possible scenarios that were playing in my head, they were all just terrible. I know she's only 9 and she can't help but be a little naive,but I can't always have the right answers to her questions.

"Daddy!" Julia's voice snapped me back to reality. She must've been calling me for a while because she had a frustrated look on her face.

"Oh, yeah? "I asked.

"Do you know what's happening next week?"She asked resting her head on her hands.

I thought about it for a little while and nothing came to mind.

"I don't know, tell me."

"It's Mama's birthday next week!"She said frowning.

Thats right! I can't believe I forgot . Well, its not the first time I have anyways and thats when we were together.

"Ooooh, yeah.I totally remembered!"I lied.

"Suuure you did. Anyways, I have a request."She said unzipping her backpack.

"Okay lay it on me."

"I want to go see mama."She said.


"Now before you say no, I can help pay for it.Here."She said as she handed me the bag.

I counted the money atleast four times and it all added uo to $247!Normally, a child her age would have at least a dollar or two in their piggy bank, but $247? I'm not sure where she got this money or if she stole it.

"Julia, where did you get this money from?"I asked wih suspension in my voice.

"Well some of his money is from what I saved up, coins I found inbetween couches and bus seats and from the fountains in the parks in Virginia, and some of it is the birthday money mama gives me every year."She said as she tucked the money away into the bag.

"So did Tonya know about it?"

"Yes...and no. "She said as if she had confessed tp something. "She thinks I have $40."

I guess she may have gotten her secretive side from me, can't say I'm not proud though.

"Okay, we can surprise Tonya, but we're not using your impressive amount of money."

"What? Why?"

"Because I already have money . Wait, do ypu think im broke?"

"Nooooo..."She said walking away.She had a look on her face like she was hiding something.

"You little twerp..."I chuckled. "I would rather be abducted by aliens than be broke . Obviously, we need to get you some glasses because all of this stuff around you, in this very room, costs 5 times more than all the money in your little piggy bank. "I poked her nose.

"Mhmmm, right.Okay David, im going to go pack now."She said walking away, but not before slipping a twenty in my shirt pocket.

Why do I feel responsible for that?


Julia POV

We decided to leave on the first day of Spring Break, but unfortunately I still had to go to school before we could leave.

"Hey Julia, are you ready for Spring Break?"Gracie asked.

"Yeah, I get to see my Mommy again."I said as I put my things in my cubby.

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