Chapter Thirty One - Rapid Thinking

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She's still laughing.

And I'm still face down on the ground, too ashamed to pick myself back up. I might also be scowling deeply at the earth, trying to force it to accept my annoyance rather than have me throw it at Justine unnecessarily.

"Yeah, it's real funny." I mutter back, more than a little bothered.

I still don't move an inch though. The rough blow of defeat has gone and sapped all of my prior energy from me. Yes, I do realise that I am a major sore loser.
But, take me as I am.

"Oh, cheer up Dan, it's not the end of the world." Justine bends down and grabs my limp hand from the ground. "Upsie daisies." She says cheerily, helping me back to my feet.

I give her a dead panned look, my shoulders slump and I force myself not to pout like a child. "I'm going to look ridiculous." Dread fills me tenfold now, the acknowledgement of the task only reminding me further about what's to come.

Justine tries her hardest to hold back another grin, but fails. Surely her cheeks hurt by now. She chuckles as she says, "I know. I'm a terrible friend, but if you look at things from my perspective, your defeat is my win! And I was so sure you'd beat me. Your girl got lucky." She then starts to attempt some breakdancing moves, but makes an absolute mockery of it.

"Stop! Stop! Please, you're killing me with your horrendous dancing skills." I cover my eyes with both hands, shielding myself from the atrocity.

"Jealousy doesn't suit you." She jokes as she shoves my shoulder, making me look at her again.

"Nah-uh. That there was pure embarrassment. Good thing we're the only ones here." I glance around to be sure. The place is a ghost town though. Which seems odd since it's the weekend, I'd assumed it'd be teaming with patrons, but I'd been mistaken.

"I booked the course out for an hour. Just to be sure." Justine says with a smile, clearly picking up on my confusion.

I'm stunned into silence. Justine had gone all out to ensure our day was meant for us and us alone, I couldn't help the rush of gratitude and appreciation for the woman before me. Our friendship is really important to me, and clearly it is to her too.

"You ready to head back?" Justine asks, dragging me from my thoughts.

I nod, "Yeah, let's go. I'll use the drive to mentally prepare myself for my upcoming performance." I resist the urge to sigh aloud.

She chuckles again as we start the walk back to her car.

It's like an impenetrable cocoon of silence surrounds us as we settle in for the drive back, the walls of the cocoon separating us, giving us space to be in our own minds, nothing overlapping. And I've got a strong feeling that Justine is thinking really deeply right now too. I have no clue what it's about and whether she wants to talk about it or not, that's something I'll leave up to her.

I don't have to wait long to find out, as a few short minutes later she begins to speak again.

"You know, it was actually really good to get away from it all today." She pauses, "I've had so much going on that my headspace has been on work, and work alone." Justine says as we begin the drive home.

"Glad I could help." I reply simply, I sense she wants to say more so I remain quiet, allowing her the time to fill the silence again.

"I'm being serious. Work can really fuck with my head. I need the escape. If I'm stuck there too long..." She taps her temple lightly with her index finger, "It's like my brain begins to do circles and continuously goes over the same problems. I think Patrick can sense it too, he's tip toeing around me right now, and he really doesn't need to."

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