Chapter Twenty Four - Leading The Chase -

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Alex POV

There in my minds eye, I see the place that I am certain I'll find my brother, but I also know that I can't head straight for Seth's hide out, despite the extreme need to find him as soon as possible, especially not when Danica has begun to breathe down my neck a bit more with her latest target, Chester.

There's something about this latest target that provides a little pull for me. I'm not sure if it comes down to wanting to stop someone in their riotous path, but whatever the reason, I'm happy to provide Danica with some assistance and I'll try not to be too distracted during.

Danica is keen for this one, I can sense it when I'm around her. She's tense and a little on edge, however she is keeping it at bay better than before. Mind you, she has taken her time with this one, perhaps she has been learning to restrain herself and has somehow gotten a grip on the unruly demons she keeps inside. That's all it comes down to when you really look at how she holds herself now. She's still the Danica I've always known. But there's a deeper and darker side to her now, however it's something she can actually control now and I'm proud of her for trying harder, proving that much to me. Though I'm still not ready to accept that it's all sorted out, it's too soon to think she has it all handled as it should be, because Danica has failed me before and regardless of my belief in her, I can't think too far ahead with her.

It's disappointing to think that I can't hold that much faith in her actions, but it's true, she's failed me more than once before and no matter how strong I believe that she is, her demons are stronger. I don't doubt that they can get a grip on her again without her knowledge.

Sometimes I find myself wondering what it's like inside her head. But as soon as the thoughts begin, I shut them down again, knowing that I'll never truly know and I probably wouldn't want to know either, and I leave it at that.

Pulling into our driveway after a long day at work, all I want is to shower and sit down to relax, but something tells me that tonight is going to try my hand and my patience. I resist the urge to drive away from the possible issues ahead and instead, force myself to head inside.

Music greets me as I open the front door. I put my keys on the side table in the entry and wander towards the sound of an eerie Evanescence song that slips out from under the closed bathroom door.

Silently, I open the door, Ditz lies asleep beside the bathtub and Danica has her head tilted back, her eyes are closed, her face is calm and she is lying almost completely submerged in the bubbly bath water. There are a scattering of little candles around the bathroom, giving off a warm vibe and I gently close the door behind me. She hasn't heard me yet and I use the opportune moment to slowly move to her side and lean in to softly kiss her head. The second my lips touch her skin, her eyes shoot open and her hands launch at my face, her nails are like claws as they rake dangerously against my neck, tearing the flesh and definitely drawing blood.

Grunting in pain, I pull away while I stare daggers at her, "What the fuck, Danica?!" I shout at her, wondering why she'd reacted in that way. Ditz is up in an instant, jumping at me for attention after hearing my voice ring out in the room.

"Shit! I'm sorry! I don't know why I did that!" She says, pulling herself halfway out of the water and pivoting towards me. "You're bleeding." She announces, as she reaches out a hand toward my neck.

I deflect her hand, shoving it forcefully away from me. "No shit." I say as I walk to the mirror to inspect the damage.

Claw like marks streak down my neck, red raw, and blood has begun to seep from the wounds from where her nails found my skin, "Fuck." I mutter angrily at the mirror, glancing briefly at Danica who stares guiltily back at me from the tub. I can see that she wants to say something, but isn't sure how to start. I look away and back at my neck, which is stinging a little from the rough contact.

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