Chapter 6 - We Are Going To Hawaii

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Initial Notes

Hello, Hello, Dear Readers!!!

One more time I want to thank all of those who are accompanying the story especially those who voted in the previous chapters and those who were willing to comment and add the story to their reading list. Thank you!

If someone finds grammar errors in the history please tell me so I can fix it.


"You ruined my glasses."

"I'll buy you another pair."

"I don't want anything that comes from you."

"What did he mean by that?" I ask myself as I recall Nico's words.

But the most important thing is to find out why those words affected me so much. After all, I shouldn't care.

I mean, I hate him, don't I?

I really don't know anymore.

I tried not to think about it during test week, but somehow that scene kept repeating itself in my mind every time I looked at Nico's empty desk. But now the tests are over and I have plenty of time to think.

Today was the last day of school, and Nico was absent again. He's been absent all week. The most boring class week I've ever had in my life.

But finally summer vacation is here.

Summer vacation is here, and instead of enjoying it, I am lying in my bed... Reflecting.

'I don't want anything that comes from you'. This really surprised me. I don't know why. Nico hates me. He really hates me.

'I know you say you don't like Nico, but I know this is not exactly true.' I remember Jason saying.

Is not true? Then what's the truth? If I don't hate Nico, then what do I feel for him?

Knock, Knock, Knock. I hear the knocking on my door.

"Will, dinner is ready. Come eat."


It was just me and my mother, Naomi, at home. My father is traveling on business, and it would be a long time before he comes back home.

"How was school today?" My mother asks.


My mother looks at me, her features show concern:

"You've been saying that a lot lately. Is something bothering you?"

"There's nothing going on. That's why it's boring."

My mother smiles.

"I understand. Well, I have a surprise to tell you that might cheer you up."

I look at her. Surprise?

"We are going to Hawaii," she says excitedly.


"Your father had some business there and now he has some free time during your summer vacation. So he called me saying that he found a wonderful hotel and sent us the tickets so we can join him."

I didn't dare tell my mother that I would rather not go, since she looked so excited.

But... It couldn't hurt, I could use the free time during the trip to organize my thoughts about everything that happened recently.

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