Chapter 9 - I'll Take My Chances

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Still shaken by the events, I proceed to my floor.

Nico was so ... different, still himself, of course, but ... Well, I think I can add sexy to my list of attributes of Nico Di Angelo. That all-black outfit, in contrast to his white skin, made it all the more dazzling.

I had never seen him like that.

I like it. I like it a lot.

Honestly, I don't know what to think. If I think Nico is sexy... Does that mean I'm attracted to him?

Still deep in my thoughts, I only noticed the elevator arrived on my floor when the door starts to close than I quickly exit the elevator before it happens.

What are the chances of both me and Nico coming to Hawaii and staying at the same hotel at the same time?

Some people would call it fate.

Even more surprising was that for the first time we actually talked, we still argued a little, of course, but it is a breakthrough.

I loved talking to Nico, and I wonder why I didn't do this before. Lie, I know exactly why. I didn't talk to Nico like this before because I was being an idiot.

I thought that talking to Nico would help me find the answers to my questions, instead I got more questions.

I walk into my room, close the door, take off my shirt and shorts, throw myself on the soft bed and stare at the ceiling without actually seeing it, my thoughts leading me back to my conversation with Nico.

I'm so confused, but I guess that's part of the process. First, you need to mess things up and then rearrange.

I think... spending more time with Nico will help me, maybe understand what I'm thinking and with luck what I'm feeling.

I turn on my stomach and bury my face in the pillow. I cannot believe I had the nerve to ask Nico to hang out with me.

After so many years of fighting, I don't know how we are going to behave from now on. I apologized to Nico for my last prank, but how about all the others?

I turn around and settle into bed to sleep.

Will tomorrow get here soon enough?


Since we met on the first day of school, Will made it his mission to make my life hell with pranks and endless jokes. Nothing radical and nothing physical. The sprinklers incident only became physical because I retaliated and even then Will did not become violent.

Of course, this doesn't redeem him for everything he did, but it tells me that Will didn't want to hurt me. He seemed genuinely sincere when he said he never meant for that to happen.

I pull out my T-shirt and pants and dress myself in only a pair of black sweatpants. I lie on the soft bed and cover myself with the duvet and try to turn off my thoughts, but I can't. I keet thinking about Will.

Will never acted like this with me. He was different. He was... gentle. He made no jokes. He asked me to hang out with him. What is he playing at? Should I really trust him? Am I being stupid? I mean ... What could have happened that brought this change of attitude?

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