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Esme's POV

"So did I, but things happened, we grew up. We've all changed whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, and you're Mr. Big Shot now! You should he happy, you've got the dream; a perfect house, a perfect girl, a perfect everything." I tell him.

"I hate perfect, if you hadn't realized in the years we've known each other, I'm least of perfect. Emma, she doesn't know that I'm not perfect! She only assumes I am. Hmph, Mr. Big Shot? I didn't want to be a lawyer, you know that too. I didn't live up to my expectations, I'm just so confused right now." He rambles on, and I know everything he's saying is true.

At this point I just want to scream out what happened our drunken night, what he had said to me, but that wouldn't be fair to him. That'd only manipulate his choices and I couldn't live with myself if I ruined his big day.

"I hope you three didn't light cigarettes out there, the smoke messes with my rose bushes." Emma's voice enters the huge kitchen followed by the footsteps of Fin, Zayn and Harry.

"Dinner is ready you two, lets go!" She says, literally pulling Niall to his feet and leading him as far away from me as possible.

Zayn and Fin were close behind the two wise Harry lagged behind, playing with his tie again.

"Harry." I say in a sing-song tone with a little smirk. He stops in his tracks and looks up at me before shooting me a small smile. "What's up?"

"Just thinking." He refuses it really tell me what's wrong, but I stay quiet. Pushing Harry is the worst decision of any logical human being.

We make our way to the dining room where everyone else sat, with light chatter filling the air. The two of us sit next to Niall and Emma and I examine the plate of salad before noticing the waiter-like man standing nearby. Of course this was catered. My mind wanders to the day Harry, Niall and I made dinner for everyone, and how amazing it was to enjoy a casual meal with friends. This, this was like a business meeting at a restaurant.

"Do you like your Acar?" Emma asks me.

"My what now." I answer with a blank stare. She nods to her salad with a thin smile. "Oh! The salad?! Oh, yeah, well I'm not salad's number one fan but I do enjoy fancy food so, yeah it's pretty darn tasty."

"Oh...good." She obviously is lost for words.

"You're a friend of Niall's?" A man all decked out with handkerchief and all sitting in front of me asks.

"Yeah, we've been pals since high school." I try my best to give the appropriate answer for Niall without fully lying. It was hard.

"Oh that's nice. And what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a photographer for the magazine Vogue. I mean, it wasn't my intention to go mainstream photographing, but it pays extremely well." I say, with actual interest. I loved my job, it was genuinely fun for me.

"Impressive. I'm a fellow lawyer along side Niall, he's never mentioned his beautiful friend...I'm sorry, I didn't get your name?" He comes off creepy.

He wasn't ugly; he had red hair and blue eyes along with freckles, the whole ginger look. But he was beyond my type, snobby and self absorbed.

"Her name is Esme, and she's my girlfriend." Harry saves me after realizing I probably wasn't going to respond.

I hear Niall choke on his Acar a little before grabbing his glass of water and chugging some down. When I glance over at him he catches my eyes and blushes before looking away. Maybe our intense conversation just now threw him off even more, assuming he actually believes I'm Harry's girlfriend.

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