Twenty Two - Letting Go

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It has been so long since I uploaded the last chapter and I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Thank you for all those who are still supporting the story.

We are so close to end and I am so much grateful for the warm support you have showered the story. Hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoy writing it.





As the lightning crosses the gap between Meria and Susan, so does the arrow. It hits Meria in the chest while Susan shouts in pain when the lightning struck her.

A voice shouting nearby was heard and Meria slowly sank into the water. Joseph immediately swam the gap and dive for Meria.

She can feel her body weight pulling her down. She can barely keep her eyes open. Then once again, memories started flashing before her eyes. Her mother's face, Susan, Vanessa,.. and then there's Joseph, looking down at her with sparkle in his eyes. Good memories.

Life indeed is unpredictable. It will take you to a path you never imagine you'll be walking. It will teach you things you never intend on learning. It will hurt and love you all the same time, and you just have to keep on going.

The more she sinks deeper, the darker it gets for Meria. Her heart ached, not because of the arrow pierced through her but because of the sorrow in it. She failed her subjects. She failed Oceana.

After diving to where Meria sank, Joseph was able to find her and pull her on the surface before taking her to the shore. His heart beats faster every second.

"Meria..." he whispered waiting for her to wake up but saw the arrow in her chest. Her eyes closed, she's barely breathing.

His chest tightens and his breath started to be rugged, his limbs started to weaken, and his eyes started to burn.

He placed Meria on his lap and held her hand. "No." he whispered to stopped himself from sobbing, but failed to do so. "Please, wake up..." he said that almost chocked him. His eyes started to water, and hot tears stream down his cheeks.

"Mom, how do you know that dad was the one?"

Josephine laughed at the question her 18 year-old son asked, "To be honest, I didn't."

Joseph look at his mother with wondering eyes, "What do you mean?"

"I didn't know. Your father and I we're nothing more than strangers when we we're thrown to each other to marry. I didn't love him, but he did-- oh and I didn't know that until our third anniversary when he told me why he agreed to marry me." she chuckled.

"You fell in love with him." Joseph stated

Josephine smiled at him, "I did. After the wedding I was balling my eyes out with sadness, but realized later on that nothing will change even if I cry my eyes out every single day so I decided to work things out with him."

"That's it?"

Josephine shrugged, "You see, love isn't just about the momentary spark. It's not all about the chemistry. It's not just about the butterflies in your stomach, the fast beating of your heart, and how nervous you get when you're around them. Sometimes it's beyond that, or should I say the other side of that. When I saw how your father cared for me, I choose to do the same not because I am in dept to his kindness and affection, but because I know he deserve it. I choose him. I choose to love him. I choose the person who chose me. I make that choice everyday. And that choice will always be one the greatest things I will never regret." she explained, "Plus, your father wasn't hard to love."

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