Seven: The three witches

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"Meria?" shock covered Mellisa as she stare at the face before her.

"Mother..." Meria smiled at her mother that she haven't seen for a long time.

They immediately close the gap between them and wrap each other in a warm and long embrace. "Oh my goodness! How did you came here? Meria, you know how dangerous it is for you."

"Mother, I need your help. Oceana need your help."

Mellisa pull back on an arm lenght looking at her daughter. It's been five years since the last time they saw each other.

"What do you mean?" Mellisa asked in confusion and pulling Meria in the nearest couch inside her office. She inspected her daughter from head to toe. "You look human."

"I do." Meria agreed and nod. "I need to."

"Does your father knows about you being here?"

Meria sigh remembering her father back in the mermaid kingdom. When she left, her father wasn't in his best conditions. She made a mental note to ask Agnes about her father's well-being when she talk to her.

"He's sick." she said, "And the whole Oceana is in danger."

Fear and concern shows in Mellisa's expression. "What happened?"

"The sea witch poisoned the water killing the corals where the fishes live and now it's spreading its way to the sea ground. It's destroying everything it reaches and we can't let it destroy any more than it already has..."

"The sea witches..." Mellisa muttered

"Sea witches? You mean there is more than one of them?"

Mellisa nodded. When she conceived Meria, she needs to stay in mermaid kingdom to keep her child safe. It is not possible for humans to live with the sea creatures but she did. She fell in love with Poseidon, the sea God. Meria is their daughter but when the witches started to defy the ruling of the king of the Oceana, the sea became unsafe.

Poseidon keep her from anything that would harm her and thier unborn daughter that time. The witches declared rebellion against the king with an unclear reason to them and swore to take him down the throne.

"They were banish from Oceana for defying the rules and trying to harm sea creatures. Yula- the sea siren, Cora- the witch of deep waters, and Lides- the witch of the dark sea. They have dark powers that came from the dark forces from the deepest and darkest part of the hallow water but it was taken from them before they were banished from Oceana as punishment."

"But Agnes told me it's cause by one witch that has the poison of sea." Meria remembered what Agnes told her that it's the poison that is the greatest witch created but was stolen.

Mellisa stop and stood up.  "And I don't think, the three witches cause that."

"How can you say so?"

"Because the three witches is here in the human world and they don't bare any magical capacity." she explained

"They're here? How do you know that?"

"I have met one of them."

"Does that mean they are not the one who poisoned the water?"

"I am sure they didn't, but the sea is not free from wicked witches who wants to rule the whole Oceana by themselves."

"Agnes said that you can help me on saving the Oceana..."

"I can?"

Meria nodded, "She told me to gave this to you." she said holding out a pearl.

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