21. Who Does She Belong To?

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I woke up and opened my eyes. Dan wasn't there. I turned onto my back quickly and sat up. The force of a hand went over my mouth and I flew off the bed and into the corner of the room.

I looked for where the force came from and saw a man standing in the middle of the room. He was wearing jeans, a brown shirt and a straight green flannel. His hair was dirty blonde and short, dark eyes and dark red scabs littering his face.

"Who are you?" I choked out. The force was now on my throat, choking me.

"Oh, Sam and Dean didn't tell you about me?" The man asked. "I'm surprised. Sam and I have quite the history."

"Where's Dan?"

"You mean the pitiful human?" He flicked his other hand downwards and Dan fell onto the floor from the ceiling.


"Why do you care about him? What about the angel that's clearly in love with you? Castiel?" He shrugged with a smug smile on his face.

"You better not lay a finger on either of them. Or Sam and Dean. How did you get in here? The bunker is warded."

"I'm Lucifer. I can get in if I want to," Lucifer said.

What the hell? Lucifer? I thought he was in the cage still. How did he get out? Did somebody break the seals?

"I thought you were in the cage," I told him angrily.

"Sam didn't tell you that either? Wow. What friends they are," Lucifer replied. "Sam broke the final seal. So I roam free. And I can also do this."

He crunched a fist and Dan yelled out in pain. "Dan! Stop it! Stop, you're hurting him! Let him go!"

He let go of the fist and Dan settled down. Lucifer yawned. "It's so pitiful the way you humans fall for each other. Ew." Lucifer shuddered jokingly.

The door burst open and in came the trio of boys. Castiel was first, then Dean and Sam. They all looked from me, to Dan and to Lucifer.

"Angel," Castiel said.

Castiel chose to stay in his spot, but Dean brushed past him and over to me. He crouched next to me, clearly not having seen Lucifer in the room.

"Angel, are you o-" Lucifer flicked his wrist and Dean flung upwards into the wall. Sam and Cad went flying to the wall immediately afterwards.

Dean looked and saw Lucifer. "Oh, it's you."

Lucifer waved like an 8 year old girl would to her crush and said, "Hi Dean." Lucifer crunched his fist again and all three of them were in pain.

"I told you to leave them ALONE!" I stood up, finding Lucifer in shock.

"How did you-...... That's impossible," Lucifer said.

"I may appear human to you, Lucy," He looked aggetated by the nickname. "But do you know what I really am?"

He didn't respond. His smile had vanished and Dan crawled past him to hide. I smirked at the hint of fear in his eyes.

"I was an Amon," I told him. "But when I left Pergutory, I thought I was done. My grace seemed to vanish. Guess not."

I held a hand out and he flew back against the wall. He fell, but stood back up and rushed me. He held a hand out to push me back, but I grabbed his arm and slammed him onto the floor.

I kicked his jaw, but when I went to do it again, he grabbed my leg, pulling me to the ground next to him. He crunched a fist in my direction and my insides seemed to turn to mush. I screamed out in pain, but fought through it to kick him to the ground again.

I stood up and back coder to the corner. Lucifer was on his knees, looking at the floor. He turned around as he stood up and looked at me, his eyes red. I turned mine purple.

A brief moment of shock washed over Lucifer, but he hid it well. He rushed towards me again, and used one hand to push my shoulder against the wall. The other hand was holding an angel blade, which he used to stab my in the stomach.

He vanished, leaving the blade in my stomach and allowing the boys the drop from the wall. Dean was closest to me and caught me as I dropped.

He sat down and held me in that corner. I grabbed the handle of the blade and held it there. "Hey Dean?"

Dan crawled over to us, tears flooding his eyes, Dean's and Castiel's. Sam was almost ready to tear up, as well.


"You know what Lucifer doesn't know about me?" I asked, a small smile forming on my face, causing one tear to slip from Dean's eye.

"What?" He replied. Dan was already crying, Castiel also mindlessly losing control of his tears. All four of them were silently crying. I had a few tears falling as well.

I pulled the blade out of my stomach and dropped it on the floor. "Angel blades don't hurt me like they would an angel."

I was hoping for the gust of wind, the warmth, the healing. But nothing happened. That made all of us lose it, mentally.

"But I guess it can still kill me," I looked into Dean's crying eyes. He was the only person I could bare to look at right now.

"No no no no no, not today, Angel. Not today. We just got you back, you can't-...." Dean said. He took off the flannel covering his black t-shirt and pressed it against the stab wound to stop the bleeding.

"I'm not going anywhere Dean. Not really," I put a finger on his heart. "I'll be right there."

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