2. The Bunker

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"What are you doing out here in the rain?" Said the driver. He and the tallest guy took another few steps towards me. Upon closer inspection, the driver had green eyes and the tall one had brown eyes.

"I... I don't know. I just woke up in the woods. I don't remember much," I told them honestly, my gaze locked on the blue-eyed man. His eyes were very intriguing, and I was lost in them almost instantly.

The blue-eyed man turned around to face the driver. "Dean, she's an angel," I thought he was complimenting me, but then realized it wasn't a compliment at all. He was stating what he must have thought to be obvious. But I thought angels didn't exist...

"How can you tell?" The man I now knew to be Dean asked.

"Off in the woods over there," The blue-eyed man pointed in the direction I had came from. "There's a crater from where she landed. I told you I saw something in the sky. It must have been her falling from Heaven."

"I saw it too," The tall one spoke up. "It was a ball of firey light with her in the center. I even caught a glimpse of her wings."

"Sam, why didn't you say anything about it? It's a damn angel falling and you choose not to mention it?" Dean asked the tall one, known as Sam.

"Hush, both of you," The blue-eyed man, still left unnamed, turned back to me. He looked back into my eyes, our gazes locked on one another. "Angelica, you probably don't trust us because we've just met. My name is Castiel."

Castiel. That name rung a bell. I very dull, faded bell. I knew that name, I just couldn't pluck it from my memory and specify where or why I knew it.

"Why don't you come with us and we can patch you up? You look pretty beat up," Castiel offered.

I nodded slightly and he helped me into the backseat of the car. Dean climbed back into the driver seat and Sam piled into the passenger seat. Castiel sat in the car himself and pulled the door closed.

After a few minutes, I rested my head against the window and my eyes drifted closed, sleeping taking me out of reality.


I woke up to hear light conversation. Instead of being soaking wet inside of a car, I was dry and laying down in a bed. It was comfortable and it felt nice to lay down. As if I hadn't done it in years. For all I know, that could have been true.

I kept my eyes closed and took in the comfort of the soft mattress and cozy blanket underneath me. Even the pillow was soft and cushioned me perfectly.

"She's healed, but she'll need plenty of rest," Castiel said. "She doesn't remember anything of her previous life. I've searched her mind for it, but it seems that someone in Heaven took her memories."

"Well that's just great," Dean said sarcastically. "We have a brain dead angel."

"She's not brain dead, Dean. She just had her memory cleaned. From what I saw, she only remembers crashing to earth and wandering through the woods. Then she got to the street and found us." Castiel said, having my back against the insult from Dean. I could tell Dean and I were rubbing each other the wrong way.

"So Angelina has no recollection of her... Maybe 20 years of life before this?" Sam asked.

"If she's an angel of old, probably millions of years. If not, maybe only thousands. No sooner than that," Castiel said.

With that, my eyes fluttered open to see my new surroundings. The ceiling and walls were the same color as Castiel's trench coat and a single light hung from the center of the ceiling. I saw a lamp on a nightstand next to me, but it was kept off.

"You're awake," Castiel said. "How do you feel?"

"If there's a word to combine lost, confused, sore, and bland, that's you're answer," I said honestly. I sat up, midway getting help from Castiel.

"Still don't remember anything before waking up in the woods?" Castiel asked. I've realized, from what he'd said only a moment ago, he had searched my memory. That's how he knew I woke up in the woods.

"Not really. But there's a faint image.... I remember seeing this.... This odd looking blade of some sort. It's silver colored and maybe two feet long," I described what I remembered while I was asleep.

"One like this?" Castiel reached into his trench coat and pulled out the exact knife I remember. Its handle was rounded and only an inch shorter than the blade. The blade was very plain, and slightly rounded into a sharp tip.

"That's exactly it. I remember it being used on me. Specifically my fore...head." I felt my forehead where it had been bleeding earlier and felt nothing there. Not a bandage or a scab. Nothing. Just my normal skin.

"I healed you, if you were wondering," Castiel said. "I'm an angel, same as you."

And I finally realized, in that moment, why I had remembered the name Castiel. I used to work with him in.... In Heaven.

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