5. Saved

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Angelica's POV

It had only been around 10 minutes, but Asmodeus had filled me with cuts and spilt blood. He was becoming more and more angry with me for not giving up the bunker's location.

At first, it didn't hurt when he cut me. But I realized all too suddenly it was because of the adrenaline. I was filled with pain, so much to the point where I aloud myself to cry and scream in front of a demon.

He finally left the room. Asmodeus was ready to give up on me and just kill me. But he knew that would be a mistake, so he left the room. He had been gone for a good 30 minutes.

At last, Asmodeus walked back in the room and picked the angel blade back up. It was sickening for me to see my own blood staining it, but I couldn't show anymore weakness to him. I was already too weak to be a real angel.

"This is the last straw, little girl," Asmodeus held the blade to my throat. I looked at the demons guarding the door. The chair Asmodeus kept me in had been turned around to face the only way in or out. "You either tell me where they are, or I will slit your goddamn throat and leave you to die right now."

"Bite. Me," I told him. He held the blade up, ready to cut my throat, and I thought about everything I had learned in this short, strange life of mine. I thought about the kindness Sam, Dean and Castiel had shown for me. About the blue of Castiel's eyes. How I got lost in them from the second I saw them.

I was ready to accept death at that moment. But everything was practically in slow motion. I watched Asmodeus' eyes fade into yellow as his angry face became vengeful.

Someone burst through the doors and brought down the two demons with them. The light drained from the demons, signifying their death. I shut my eyes tight and took what I expected to be my last breath.

But someone shoved Asmodeus away from me and pinned him to the wall. The angel blade Asmodeus had been holding dropped to the floor with a clang. The blurred figure picked it up and held it to Asmodeus' throat.

"You will never lay another finger on her. Do you understand me?" The gruff voice said.

Asmodeus laughed. "You can't kill me. You know damn well that you can't."

"Try me." He stabbed Asmodeus with the angel blade and Asmodeus' light flickered and vanished. He was dead.

The man took the angel blade out of the stomach or the limp Asmodeus and put it inside of their coat. My eyes finally focused and to my surprise, the man I knew as Castiel was walking towards me.

He unlocked the leather straps holding me to the chair. Castiel took my hands in his and helped me up. Still holding my hands, he looked into my eyes, and I looked into his.

"Thank you," I said. I hugged the angel who saved me and he took a second to hug back. "I didn't expect you to come back for me."

"I couldn't leave you with Asmodeus. I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy, let alone you." Castiel was very sweet to me. Every since we met, he had had a kind, caring nature to him and it had rubbed off on me. This is who I was becoming.

"Thank you," I repeated, letting go of Castiel. In a wave, all the pain I had endured rushed back to me. I felt weak at the knees and fell into the arms of Castiel. He picked me up and carried me through the door.

"Sam, Dean, she's injured. Badly," Castiel told them. I couldn't we them, or anything for that matter. My eyes had closed before I even realized they had. "Lease try and keep your eyes open, Angelica."

I felt leather underneath me and found myself in the backseat of the Impala once more. I was barely holding my eyes open as Castiel had tried doing something to me. He pressed two fingers to my forehead and then said, "Damn it. I can't heal her, guys."

"Just keep her awake until we get to the hospital or something," Sam said, panic in his voice. "Dean, punch it!"

The car sped up quickly and remained at a fast pace until we took a blunt turn. The car stopped running and Castiel picked me up again. The three of them ran into the building and said a few inaudible things.

I was carried into another room and I heard curtains on a curtain rod slide. I heard a few voices and felt a prick in my arm. It must have been an IV. A voice I had made out to be Castiel's said, "Hang in there, Angel."

I fell asleep. At least I think I was asleep. Suddenly, all my memories came flooding back to me.

No one had called me Angel in a long time. My parents would call me Angel when I was little. I had an older brother named Thomas. He had always cared for me. When I was 6 and he was 16, I got really sick. He rushed me to the hospital because our parents were out somewhere.

When we got to the hospital, he rushed me into the emergency room. I was in a 3 week coma. Whatever was keeping me sick had been so bad, that my brother had found a way to help me.

Before my parents arrived at the hospital on the day they were supposed to turn off my life support, Thomas sold his soul for me. He got 10 years to be with me.

When I was 16, Thomas told me what he had done. I grew up taking on small hunts without my parents knowing and knew about making deals and Hellhounds. I was so mad at him and told him to leave and never come back.

Those were the last words I ever spoke to him. 2 weeks later, police found his body torn to shreds. I went to his funeral, remembering how horrible I was to him in the end.

I found a way to forget about Thomas. I talked to some demons about the existence of angels, and they told I'm the perfect vessel for one. I asked them if there was one willing to use my vessel, but they said they had a better idea.

So, their idea -after me searching for an answer for 11 years- was to turn my soul into an angel. So I agreed. They performed a ritual -a very painful one- and turned me into an angel.

Then the burning sensation and light began. I fell from Heaven and stumbled upon the Winchesters and Castiel.

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