3. Memories

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"Castiel..... I remember you," I told him. I truthfully remember Castiel. He went down to earth to meet Dean, who he pulled up from Hell. Before that, we worked together.

"You do?" Castiel asked. He looked down at me, confused. That look seemed to be permanent, only buried when he was happy or angry.

"Yes. We used to work together. We would stop demons from attacking humans. But in Heaven, we would find our cases and work with the weaponry of Heaven," I replied. The words flowed right off my tongue as if I'd rehearsed it a million times.

"Is that all you remember?" Sam asked me. Now, all three had a curious look on their faces. Sam and Dean, however, their curious look was unnatural on them.

"Pretty much. Just the blade and Castiel. Nothing too vivid, no other memories," I rubbed above my eyebrow.

"My question is," Dean said. "How are you so okay with all of this?"

"What do you mean?" I responded. Dean and I probably wouldn't get along too well, but maybe it would be best to stay on his good side.

"3 random guys almost kill you with their car, take you to where they live and you have no recollection of your life before today. Normally, someone in your position would be freaking out and eager to leave," Dean explained.

He made a good point, too. And because he did, I decided to tell him the honest truth. "That's exactly why I shouldn't be freaking out. 3 guys are nice enough to take me into their home because I have nowhere to go."

Dean stood there and thought about what I'd said. He shared a look with Sam as I looked back to Castiel. He still had the curious look plastered to his face, but it was faded. As if he were figuring me out. Putting every piece of me into a giant, barely-finished puzzled.

The four of us were in that room for the longest time, the silence being very deafening, other than our breathing. No one said a word, but we all kept looking back and forth between everyone.

Sam cleared his throat. "Are you, uh... Are you hungry at all, Angelica?" I could see he felt awkward asking that, considering I would most likely say no because I'm an angel.

"No, not really. But I would like to know where I am," I answered.

"The Men of Letters' Bunker in Lebanon, Kansas," Castiel answered. His curious face had been buried once again by a light smile. It wasn't a happy, 'oh boy this is great' smile, it was just a welcoming, 'glad you're okay' smile.

"That's about 10 and a half hours from where I was last," I told them. It suddenly hit me, right as Castiel told me we were in Kansas, that I was in Chicago last. "I was in Chicago. I remember being there. I was with this.... This family. They were...."

I thought about what I had remembered. It struck me so suddenly that I had a horrific memory of Chicago. The family.... They were all dead. And I watched it. They must have seen the horror inscribed on my face, because Castiel spoke up.

"Are you okay?" Castiel asked.

"Yeah," Sam added. "You look like you've just seen a ghost. Well, if a normal person saw one, anyways."

"I remember why I never liked going to Chicago. That family.... The parents had to watch their son and daughter die.... And I watched all four of them die.... They were attacked by Hellhounds.... When Lilith was around." I looked at Castiel, who had changed from confused to sympathetic in the blink of an eye.

"But that was years ago," Castiel said. "Is it a vivid memory?" Castiel was a caring angel, I've never met any nicer angel than Castiel. He felt sympathy for humans, and even me. Another angel.

I nodded my head. I remembered how their flesh was torn apart as I was held up against the wall, this was when I was human. The demons could control me as one, and I felt helpless. Lilith didn't even hurt me.

Blood oozed from the tears in their skin, some even sputtering blood from their mouths as they died. It was so horrific and scarring, seeing a family die and knowing that I could do nothing to help or save them.

Castiel put two fingers on my forehead and I couldn't think of it anymore. The memory had been transferred to Castiel's memory. He, of all people, shouldn't have to remember that.

I pulled my knees to my chest and hugged them. I rested my chin on top of my knees and sat there, staring at the blanket beneath me. It was all I wanted to look at, all I could look at. I didn't want to feel their stares on me any longer. It was like a 20 pound weight on my back, having all six eyes staring at me.

I glanced up at the sound of footsteps to see Sam and Dean leaving the room. As soon as the door closed, I heard conversation stir up between them. Castiel, however, just stood next to me, reading me like a book.

There wasn't much to find out about me, so I would have to build a new personality, a new life, a new reputation. Everything I once had was gone. All the secrets, memories.... Everything.

But maybe Castiel was the key to unlocking all of he memories Heaven had stolen from me. Maybe he was the answer to my questions. Castiel was there. He would understand me, even if no one else did.

And that's what brought the problem. And that problem was.... I had feelings for him.

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