7. Home

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I felt a wave of heat go over my body. Wing blew on me and I looked at myself in confusion. I guarantee my eyes went purple again. When the wind stopped, I wasn't sore any longer, and Sam was in the room. I looked between the three and we were all confused.

Because I felt no pain whatsoever, I removed a bandage covering the stab wound on my shoulder. I saw the wound heal itself quickly. I looked at Cas, wandering through his eyes, searching for answers, but only finding more questions.

"We need to leave. Now," Castiel said, helping me to my feet, and continuing to hold my arm.

"Yeah," Sam added. We rushed out of the hospital and climbed into the Impala. Not surprising, there was a little bit of blood dried on the backseat.

"Angel, your eyes are still purple," Castiel mentioned 5 minutes into the drive.

"Sorry Cas, but I can't exactly control my eye color. If I could, they wouldn't be purple," I snapped. What got into me? Why was I so.... Angry? "Sorry."

"It's alright. If I didn't know what was happening to me, I wouldn't be in the best of moods either," Castiel replied comfortingly. I'm glad to know someone who can comfort me when I most need it. It was an emotion I never really got the chance to feel.

As we drove to the bunker, Dean blared his Metallica tapes and tapped the steering wheel to the beat of every song. I didn't mind the music. It kept my mind off everything else.

A semi truck was headed towards us in the other lane. Suddenly, the semi spun out of control and headed right for the Impala.

"No!" I yelled, reaching my hand out in front of me. Dean let go of the steering wheel to cover his face and the wheel jerked right seemingly on its own.

The Impala swerved to the right and out of the way of the semi. We drove down into the ditch as the semi slammed its brakes to prevent a crash. The Impala was already out of the way and we hit a tree, Dean still on the gas when we went off the road.

We all went forward, Sam being the only one with the seatbelt. Dean hit his head on the wheel, Cas and I hitting our head on the seat in front of us, which didn't feel very good.

"What the hell just happened?" Sam asked. He held his seatbelt tightly and looked at the rest of us.

I looked at Dean and Cas, my eyes most likely purple. Dean's eyebrow was bleeding, along with his lip. He looked to the backseat. I looked over at Castiel to see his forehead, nose and lip bleeding.

He and I shared a look of concern, which had finally been on all of our faces. Dean looked out the untouched windshield. "Damn it, not my Baby!" He yelled, raising his voice with every word.

"Dean, you should be less concerned about the damn car right now," Sam said, looking at his brother in disbelief.

I felt blood running from my forehead and my nose. Then I felt the heat wave and blast of wind. The blood was gone, along with the pain it was grasping onto.

"You healed yourself again," Castiel said.

I rested a hand on his shoulder and the blast of wing washed over his. The cuts and blood vanished from his face. I did the same thing to Dean. Sam was perfectly fine.

"It may be cool to be able to heal anyone, but I still need to figure out what the hell I am. Clearly, when Chuck and those demons or whatever they were didn't change me into an angel," I told them.

"Maybe it's time we call Him," Dean said.

"Who? God? You know how many times I've done that and how many times it hasn't worked?" I replied.

"Yeah, we know the feeling," Dean answered. "But if He's willing to answer to turn you into.... Whatever you are, he's willing to come and tell you."

I noticed Sam had left the car and had been talking to the semi driver. I looked back at Dean. "I guess it's worth a shot."

"Let's get Sam and head home," Dean got out of the Impala and went over by Sam.

I sighed and let my head fall onto the top of the seat. "Home."

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