14. Different

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When we got to Colorado, I felt a little.... Off. I wasn't as strong as I had felt at the bunker. My head was pounding and my ears ringing by the time we made it to the motel.

I climbed out of the car and closed the door, then leaned myself against it. My arm was on my forehead, but my arm was on the roof of the car. I winced in pain from my headache, which apparently all three boys noticed when they exited the car.

"You okay, Angel?" Dean asked, opening the trunk. I ignored him.

I stood up all the way and everything seemed so much brighter. I grabbed my sunglasses and put them on to win the light. I winced again and grabbed my bag weakly.

I carried it into the lobby and Sam bought us two rooms, one for him and Dean and one for me and Cas. I threw my bag onto my bed and flopped down on it myself.

I put my arm against my forehead again. I rubbed my eyes and Castiel looked at me with concern.

"Angel," Cas said. "Are you alright?"

"No," I sighed. "Ever since we got here-"

"Headache? Ringing?" Castiel interrupted.

"Yeah," I answered, looking at him, confused. "How did you-"

"I have them too," He interrupted me again. "It seems to be affecting you more, though."

I sat up and my vision blurred unlike it ever has before. Even with my shades on in a dark room, my eyes were even more sensitive to the light. The pounding in my head increased and the ringing grew louder.

It got so loud, I felt a trickle of blood run down from each ear. The light in the room became blinding and I passed out from the pain.

I was standing in a white room. I turned around slowly, realizing all that was here was me. Suddenly, a voice spoke.

"Hello, Angelica," I turned to my left to see a man in a white suit with a blue tie and hair like Dean's standing a few feet from me.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked rudely. I didn't want to be wherever this was.

"My name is Raziel. I am here to-"

"Raziel? As in- the angel of mysteries? That Raziel?" I interrupted.

"Yes, that Raziel," He said. I observed him more, noticing the stubble and blue eyes, not nearly as blue as Castiel's. To be honest, he looked like Chris Pine, almost.

"What do you want with me, Raziel?" I asked.

"I want you to let go," I looked at him, confused. "Let go of Castiel. And Sam. And Dean. Come to Heaven and stay here. We're inviting you in."

"I'm not just going to die in a motel room for no reason. And what made me pass out, anyways? What's wrong with me and Castiel?" I asked.

"The town you're in, it's covered with wardings. The place is an entrance to Hell, and it's kept angel-free. It's affecting you more because the gate is trying to suck you in. It's recognizing you as a demon, along with an angel. You need to leave. This hint you're on, it's not a wendigo. It's just the gates claiming lives to keep it shut."

"Then why do you want me to die and go to Heaven with you?"

"Because there is too much war between Heaven and Hell over you. If we claim you as our own, Hell won't attempt to fight us up here. You and your friends will be safe. Forever."

"So you're saying that I'm a danger to my friends?"

"I thought you had figured that one out for yourself already."

"Thanks, Raziel, but I'd rather stick to life."

Raziel took a step towards me to grab me, but I stepped back. He reached for me again, but I put my hand out and he flew to the wall.

"Leave me alone," I said, pinning him to the wall using my mind. "Don't ever talk to me again, don't come near me and my family again and don't even appear in dreams or I will fly up here and stab your winged ass myself. Do you understand me?"

He nodded and I let him go. He held his throat because I had been unintentionally been choking him.

"Now, send me back."

I sat up in Castiel's arms and gasped for breath. My head was still pounding and my ears still ringing, but not as bad.

Sam and Dean were now in the room, probably called over by Cas when I passed out. It looked way darker outside than when we first got here at 3pm.

"Thank the Lord." Castiel wrapped me in a hug, as if we hadn't seen each other in years.

"You okay, Cas?" I asked, hugging him back after a second of confusion.

"Are you?" He countered, letting go of our hug. "You've been out for hours."

"I have?" I looked out the window again. Sure enough, it was pitch black out there. "It felt like two minutes."

"What did you see?" Sam asked.

"I saw.... Raziel."

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