Wizarding World ✶ Wand Woods @houchinwizardwares

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A/N: I found this very interesting information on the website:  https://houchinwizardwares.com/wand-woods-we-use.html . All credit goes to the organization, especially since they've put so much effort in doing their research. 

I believe the company actually makes wands so if you're interested, check out their shop! Since the list is infinitely long, I've chosen a selection of woods to add here. Feel free to check out all the other different types of wands to get inspired!

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color: grayish brown
location: North America
personality: gentle and relaxed

Box Elder

color: pale white
location: North America

personality: adventurous


color: pinkish brown

location: North America
personality: good natured


color: golden brown
location: North America
personality: optimistic and loving


color: yellowish brown

location: North America

personality: reflective and communicative


color: reddish brown
location: North America

personality: wise and reliable


color: darker reddish brown
location: South America
personality: bold and nature-centered


color: cream colored with a reddish or golden hue

location: North America
personality: adventurous


color: light to medium brown
location: North America
personality: Steadfast


color: yellowish white
location: North America
personality: strong and quiet


color: orange to reddish brown

location: South America

personality: confident and strong


color: chocolate brown

location: North America
personality: communicative and open

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