Ilvermorny ✶ Common Rooms @arxlux

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Common rooms: @arxlux on Tumblr

Horned Serpent: A library growing out of a tranquil, moonlit marsh. Comfortable beds, complimented by your chest, wardrobe and nightstand, are scattered and sequestered around a large, central pond. The entrance is secretly hidden within the statue of the Horned Serpent in the Entrance Hall. When a Horned Serpent is near, the statue's horn will shine, and it's voice will speak to you in your head, repeating the first phrase it ever spoke to you. It will move aside to reveal an opening in the wall and an ascending staircase.

Thunderbird: A nest of maps, journal scraps and photographs in the tallest tower. Beds are in the form of hammocks, knotting their way up to the top of the tower. Climbing up in the jungle of ropes to claim your bed is right of passage for Thunderbirds. Wardrobes are inlaid in the walls next to each hammock. The ropes have spells enchanted upon them to keep intruders out of your bed. The entrance is on the ground floor. Most students pass under the giant hole in the ceiling by the kitchens without ever discovering what it means. But Thunderbirds know all too well. It's a house rule to make sure no one catches you as you sneak under the hole and let the hole vacuum you all the way up to the common room. Be sure to grab a rope on your first try, it's a long way down and back up!

Wampus: A forested clearing forming a sturdy obstacle course and training area. There are two large tree houses in each of the seven greatest trees that surround the clearing. Beds are divided by year and gender, similar to the Gryffindor Common Room at Hogwarts. The common room is accessed through a secret entrance in the gardens, the one magically trimmed into the shape of a Wampus, with this week's password and he'll twist his vines to reveal a descending staircase.

Pukwudgie: A warm, underground chamber, magicked to resemble a cozy burrow. Cauldrons simmer around the soft floor, brightly lighting up the rows of shelves lined with bottles of ingredients and volumes of recipes and potions. Small doors lead off here and there in the walls to small tunnels that wind down to the bed chambers. There's a painting of a Pukwudgie on the third floor of the east wing. If you describe to him something or someone you care about, his frame will swing open, revealing a hole. It's a large tunnel slide that glide you down to your burrow common room. When leaving the tunnel glides you back up.

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