Ilvermorny ✶ Entering the Common Room @willowwhisps

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Entering the Common Room @willowwhisps on Wattpad

The entrance for every common room is similar. On the upper balcony in the central hall, four doors lead to the common rooms. No secret passageways, just simply doors. On each door there's the symbol that's carved half inside, half outside of the door (like a statue cut in half by the door). Every single house confronts you with a problem, you need to solve in spirit of your house (mind, body, soul, heart). In front of every door there's half a circle, where the one who wants to open the door needs to be standing in. (The Hallways are big enough for others to pass and probably don't even notice the student trying to get into his common room)

Horned Serpent: The Horned Serpents crystal glows as soon as the student enters the circle. Next a question/riddle is presented (much like the Ravenclaw entrance, though the students hear the Serpents voice inside their head). However, sometimes the door turns around and then shows a construction of any kind where the student has to solve a problem that includes combination of stones/runes/..., color coding, mazes,... But: there isn't one good answer; throughout your search for the right answer, you need to talk out loud, to offer your reasoning to the Horned Serpent Statue. If what you say makes sense, is correct, is logical, is creative, the door opens for you. The door opens for a while so it's possible for a group of friends to enter at the same time. However if you're looking for a way to enter as a group, it is important that everyone has one foot on the circle in front of the door, and everyone thinks together. The riddle changes every time. (Senior Serpents are allowed to add riddles/questions. Because of this, and of course magic, the same riddle has never been repeated) (Often Horned Serpents write down the riddles they've received to discuss with other students)

Pukwudgie: As soon as a Pukwudgie enters the circle, the statue starts to grin. Next it will whisper what information it wants from you. Pukwudgies need to look into themselves to find the right answers to questions like « Who do you love, who do you like, what do you dislike, etc...? » It is important for Pukwudgies to know themselves (besides it's the nature of the Statue to be that curious). To every student the question will differ to your own personal life/situation. Sometimes you need to admit you like/dislike/love/hate something or someone to be able to continue in a positive way (to heal, one can say). Every time your answer must be different, but then again the Pukwudgie won't ask, if you don't have an answer. Sometimes the Statue knows, before you do. Pukwudgie doesn't make any difference if you're in group or not. You need to give an answer and then the door will open for a while to allow anyone to enter. This often leads to people shoving each other onto the circle to open the door as no one really likes to admit such personal information in public. Even more, Pukwudgie is known to taunt others with their information. As you pass, you can hear it giggling, chanting a name (though others have no clue what the question was to your answer), but it will never truly judge you.

Wampus: When a Wampus stands in front of her door, she can suspect the statue to move. In fact, the statue will attack the Wampus whereas the student needs to defend herself. This can be through use of magic or physical defense. When you fail, you need to come back later on. Wampus students are always prepared when they approach their common room. Wands in hand, muscles ready they await as the statue silently moves until one of its limbs (paw, head, tail,...) reaches out to get the student. When you win, and dodge the attack, the Wampus will roar and bow, before granting you entrance. It is only encouraged to enter with two or more, as teamwork is considered a valuable trait in the house of Wampus. It is a contest amongst Wampus students to have the least bruises conflicted by the Statue at the end of the week, and they keep miraculously correct notification of them.

Thunderbird: Thunderbird has one of the easiest ways to enter the common room. However, everyone who doesn't belong to Thunderbird will never be able to get in. The only thing a Thunderbird needs to do, is touch the Head of the Thunderbird Statue. It will gleam as it recognizes you (or your soul). Even if the door is opened by another student, all Horned Serpents develop the habit of quickly touching the crystal before entering. Anyone who forgets or who doesn't belong in the common room, is magically blocked and feels as if walking into a wall. The Thunderbird doesn't forget anyone. This means that later on, after graduating, you can still enter the common room by using the same method. (But imagine Voldemort being chosen as a Thunderbird as a student, just in theory, he will not be able to enter the common room, because his soul has left his body, or remains in such a tiny amount, and is no longer a unity.)

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