Wizarding World ✶ The Original Aurors @Pottermore

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President Jackson's immediate priority was to recruit and train Aurors. The names of the first dozen volunteers to train as Aurors in the US have a special place in United States' wizarding history. There were so few of them, and the challenges they faced so great, that they knew they might be required to lay down their lives when they took the job. The descendants of these witches and wizards have been given particular respect in the US ever since. The original twelve were:

Wilhelm Fischer

Theodard Fontaine

Gondulphus Graves

Robert Grimsditch

Mary Jauncey

Carlos Lopez

Mungo MacDuff

Cormac O'Brien

Abraham Potter

Berthilde Roche

Helmut Weiss

Charity Wilkinson

Of these twelve, only two survived into old age: Charity Wilkinson, who would become MACUSA's third President, and Theodard Fontaine, whose direct descendant Agilbert Fontaine is the present day Headmaster of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

Also of note are Gondulphus Graves, whose family remains influential in American wizarding politics, and Abraham Potter, whose distant relationship to the famous Harry Potter would be uncovered by eager genealogists centuries later.

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