25 | profession confession

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c h a p t e r | 25
'Stylist to a jerk who is handicapped
by natural immaturity.'


"YEAH, NO." She let out a laugh, quickly sinking her teeth into the cheesy pizza, before wiping off the juice on her chin. Her position on the couch not helping in eating a pizza properly.

Hale leaned against the couch with his back and pulled up hid leg, to rest his arm on it, while also another another slice of pizza.

"Come on, you can tell me." A crooked grin
evident on his lips when he looked over at Tessa who was taking up most of the couch despite her small size. "Noah's out cold. No one is gonna know," he pressured as Tessa continued to giggle and squirm on the couch.

She admired the pizza like it was the most fascinating thing in the world, "You know this pizza is amazing. Great choice of victory pizza."

Hale snorted, "Yeah, Luego's the best." He dumped his half eaten piece back in the box before clapping his hands to rid them of the leftover flour. "So, tell me, Marshmallow," he drawled not letting the topic go.





"You wanna know?" She rolled over on the couch to better meet his challenging gaze, "You really wanna know?"

A minute passed between them with Hale's gaze not wavering from hers, while she finished off her slice.

"Fine!" She relented and threw the crust into the box, and Hale smiled victoriously.

"So... I already told you about Philip—" She smacked her hand over Hale's mouth when seeing a comment ready at the tip of his tongue.

Grimly, she wiped off her hand in his shirt after making sure Hale got the hint of not interrupting her. "Well, so, when we broke things off - Which was a mutual agreement," she quickly interjected to get ahead of Hale's possible quips. "Still though, it hurt like hell."

She frowned a little by the trip down memory lane, before she shook her head continuing her story, "Parker found out, and rushed over. By that I mean hammering on my door at 3 o'clock in the morning intend on getting me in a better mood. Anyways, his weird misunderstanding of chick flicks let him to raid my kitchen and apparently the only thing I had appropriate as a comfort food was marshmallows.

"Marshmallows as a comfort food, I don't see how that can be so bad?" Hale kept up, a small smile still lingering on his lips, and she nudged his head.

"I'm getting there!"

"I'll be old before you finish!" He retorted and she nudged him again.

"Shut up! So you see, I started just shoving in marshmallows while telling Parker what happened, and you know Parker being Parker just had to make this comment about me starting to look like a chipmunk.

"You don't need marshmallows for that."

"Again, shut up!"

"Move it, my ass is sore," Hale argued instead, pulling himself up on the couch, and Tessa let out a groan of irritation from having to move. Her legs found their usual place over the backrest since she was still adamant on lying with her head on the seat.

"Can I continue?"

"How can you even lie like that?" Hale looked at her crooked figure in wonder, and she crooked at brow at him. "Had I known you were this flexible," he whistled earning him a threatening glare.

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