21 | smurfing walls

97 7 72

c h a p t e r | 21
'Look at you, all blue in the face.'

"REALLY TESSA, don't look at me like that. You're in his boxers!" Indy protested, not caring that Tessa was experiencing one of her top 3 headaches of all time.

She squinted from her position on the table, and drowsily rested her forehead against the cool water bottle. "You are aware I'm wearing a T-shirt too, right?"

"Which is also his!" She hissed and Tessa cringed slightly by the volume, though it wasn't even loud. "Boxers, t-shirt, and a pink tint to your cheeks, what else would I assume than you—-" she cut herself off as she shot a fleeting down the table. "You know," she emphasized by wriggling her brows and knocked her fists together.

"Indy!" She scolded causing Indy to lean back with her hands raised in surrender though she didn't look apologetic at all. She closed her eyes rubbing her temples, her own outburst making her head throb anew.

The smell of coffee filled her senses when Indy scooted a cup towards her, and she gratefully took a sip.

"So...?" Indy tried again, when Tessa slurped her coffee a little more energetic.

Raising a brow she looked at her incredulously, "Did you really expect me to sleep in that pincushion of a dress?"

"Well, I expected you to come and relieve me of my Mary Poppins duties, but since that didn't happen I at least expect it was for something greater than—"

"I get it, I get it," Tessa waved her off, "Do you have to talk so loud?" She muttered grudgingly and ran her hands through her hair, before looking up at her again.

"How much did you have to drink last night?" Indy inquired with a frown.

"I'm not exactly sure of the details—"

"Oh so you did have s—"

"Indy!" Tessa hammered her hand on the table, the china clinking as a result.

"Aww man!" Noah complained from the far end off the counter and dropped his pen. "You ruined it," he surveyed and bumped back on his chair.

"I'm sorry Noah," Tessa replied sincerely, and leaned over the table to better look at what he was doing, "What are you drawing?"

"I was trying to draw Felix. I would give it to him when I saw him again, but now it's all ruined."

"It's a dog, he doesn't care if you messed up, he'll just eat it anyway," Indy commented with an eye roll and both Tessa and Noah turned to look at her.

"What? It ate my Prada purse!"

"Maybe if you hadn't hidden Sour Patch in it, he wouldn't have," Noah defended the puppy and Indy crossed her arms.

"Hey, hey guys, stop bickering will ya?" Tessa hid her face in her hands, "I think my head is gonna explode."

"Yeah, go back to your drawing, kid. The adults are talking," Indy returned mockingly and grimaced. A grimace Noah returned, turning it into a little contest of who could make the ugliest face.

Tessa shaking her head, but thankful for the silence, reached for the Lucky Charms on the table.

"I don't understand how you can eat those without milk," Indy surveyed after Noah seemingly won, and instead eyed her hangover tortured friend.

"Lucky Charms are the best," Noah sided with Tessa, who just nodded.

"Whatever, can we get back to the fact that you're wearing clothes which aren't yours, but the hottest guy on the planet's?" Indy wrote Noah off who just stuck out his tongue before going back, trying to correct his drawing.

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