07 | cheesy cracks

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c h a p t e r | 07
'Did the cheese slide off your cracker?'

TESSA WOKE BY A STIRRING ON THE COUCH. Apparently she had fallen asleep. She was lying with her head in Parker's lap, her legs in a weird angle, resting on his arm which was now trapped between them and the couch, however it did not seem to bother him as his hand was wrapped around her ankle to keep her legs from falling.

Getting her bearings back, she heard a light conversation happening in the room, and she snuggled further into Parker's lap, his hand absentmindedly went to her hair, nuzzling her.

"Maybe Hailee Steinfeld is right, one should be like most girls," Indy spoke with a heavy sigh.

"So, now you're taking advice from a pop song?" Parker let out a small laugh to keep the noise to a minimum.

"Why wouldn't I? No one even as much as glanced my way tonight. I was invisible."

"Don't be ridiculous, not even a blind man would deem you invisible. Tone deaf, maybe but definitely not a nobody," Parker argued.

"A compliment and a stab? Way to make a girl feel special," Indy muttered, but Tessa could hear it spoken through a smile.

Slowly, Tessa reached for the pillow that was pressed to her side and took a firm hold of it. "What can I say—" Parker started smugly, but got cut off as he got swatted in the face with the pillow.

"Stop flirting with my roommate!" She threatened and swatted Indy too who was resting her arms on the backrest of the couch with her chin in her hands. She had obviously just gotten back from her party as she was still dressed in her cocktail dress, but had at least managed to ditch her shoes.

"And Indy! You know innocent flirting stops being innocent when drinks are involved and it's dark outside," she spoke but could not hold back the laugh as both of them seemed quite baffled by being hit in the face with a pillow. Indy even fell down on her ass on the floor in surprise. A small yelp escaped her, while Parker just sat there, his hair even more ruffled as he rubbed his jaw with a smirk lingering on his lips.

"Aw, are you—" She hit Parker straight in the face again, cutting his sentence efficiently off.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Park!" She shrieked as Parker's fingers dug into her waist, tickling her and she tried wriggling out of his grasp.

"You're the one insinuating we were flirting," Parker sang as Indy tore the pillow from Tessa's hands for payback and sent pillow punches over her while Parker continued to tickle her.

"It's not fair!" She screamed and squirmed between laughs, suddenly getting herself and Parker pushed off from the couch and onto the floor.

Indy took the chance to jump on the couch to get a better aim, but as Tessa scooted under the table she accidentally hit Parker instead.

"Your aim really is shit, Indy," Parker muttered and rubbed his eye, before grabbing a pillow of his own.

"Well, mine isn't!" Tessa hollered smugly with a new pillow in her hand and threw it at Parker, before grabbing another one from her arsenal in the chair.

"You two better run," he joked warningly as he now had a pillow in each hand getting to his feet, towering over the two girls in the room and they quickly scrammed as he bolted after them.

"No, no, no! Time penalty for long legged friends!" Tessa held out her hand, a pillow in her other hand hovered in the air ready to be thrown if necessary as Parker had cornered her into the dining section of their apartment, leaving them at a stare off with a table between them.

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