Ch.16 : The Plan

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"War is the only way to get what you want." ~Salem


Matt's POV

It is taking everything in me not to go straight to their hide out. I can't believe they would do this to her. My fists tighten on the wheel at the thought of it. We will be at the Whitewater Pack in ten minutes but it's not soon enough.

"Do you know who the Alpha is or did you forget to ask?"

I stayed quiet at that comment. I know he is trying to cheer me up but I can't think of anything besides Shamara.

"We are here. How should we play this?"

I jumped out of the car when we came to a stop. Nick followed behind me and our other car parked next to us. Shamara's parents stepped out with Chloe. I tried to stop them from coming but they gave a good argument. We met in the middle and headed to the front door of a two-story house. It wasn't as big as ours but it worked. I knocked on the door and waited until a guy about twenty years old answered. He had black hair and brown eyes and was about my height. He smiled at is and let us in.

"You must be Matt, Alpha of the Nightshade Pack. I'm Don Stephenson, the Beta of this fine Whitewater Pack. I'll take you up to where our Alpha and Dawn is."

We walked up the stairs and took a left to what looked like an infirmary. I saw Dawn smiling and talking to a guy in his early twenties. He had blondish looking hair and was also smiling. Don knocked on the door and entered.

"Jace, our guests have arrived. So, you can stop flirting." Jace scowled at him and turning toward us. I heard a squeal behind me and someone running in. Chloe jumped onto the bed and gave Dawn a bear hug. Dawn hugged her back with tears in her eyes.

"Are you ok? I've missed you so much. And I haven't seen you smile like that in years. Is he your mate..." Chloe kept coming with questions. That broke the anger that was running in me. I laughed at the two and approached what I assume was the Alpha. I shook his and thank him for finding Dawn.

"It was no problem. She almost gave Don a heartache when she entered the territory. My name is Jace and I am the Alpha of the Whitewater Pack. You are welcomed anytime." He looked behind me and smiled at the rest of the group. "All of you are welcome."

"Come. I'll introduce you to everyone. This is my Beta, Nick Taylor. His mate is the girl that just ran to Dawn, Chloe Danielle Owens. But she goes by Chloe. The two couple is Shamara's parents. Emily is our pack doctor and her mate is Shawn."

"It's nice to meet you all. My name is Michael Jace Williamson. I am hoping to get to know you all while you are here."

I was shocked when I heard his last name. Shamara never spoke of a brother or anything. I looked at Emily and Shawn. They were as shocked as I was. Emily came running toward us and gave Jace a tearful huge.

"We...we thought we lost you forever." She was saying as she cried. Shawn came up and hugged them both. "You have grown into a fine man, son. We were devastated when you came up missing that day. Shamara was only three and looked up to you. Now, we can be the family that we were. I am so happy. But first, we have to get your sister back before anything else happens." Shawn said with a grieved expression. Jace looked at me and nodded. I nodded back and went to make the call. It was time to go to war.

Shamara's POV

It has been two days since that day. I made sure I made no mistakes and worked harder than what was expected. My training was completed yesterday and now I was being tested. I was against five warriors and had to beat them then beat Valentine. I had four men down in two minutes and was working on the last. He fought well but wasn't fast enough to dodge my fist to his face. I wasn't even breathing hard and I knew that it was almost time. Valentine smiled at me for approval. He spoke low to Salem and walked to me.

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