Ch.4: Meeting Mr.Knight

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"What do you say to the girl that you know is the one?" ~ Matthew Knight


I arrived at school as usual and started walking toward my locker. i was walking toward math class when I noticed the other students whispering to each other.

"Did you see how cute and sexy he looks this year?" someone said as I was walking by.

Ugh. Is this all these people talk about here. All I hear is how cute someone is. I wonder which poor soul they are talking about now.

I went in the classroom and sat down. Chloe came in a couple of minutes later. Late as usual. The bell rung right before she came in. The teacher doesn't even bother to say anything.

"Hey, Shamara."

"Hey, Chloe. Did you have a good weekend?"

"Yep" she replied while popping the 'p'. "Oh. Guess who is finally coming to school?"

"Who?" To be honest I have no clue what she is talking about.

"It's..." She was interrupted when the door opened.

That is when the hottest guy I ever seen came in. He had black hair and sharp features. His eyes were a striking blue.

"Sham? Hello...? Are you even listening to me?" Chloe said while snapping in my face.

"What? Oh what did you say?" I replied when I turned to her.

"Never mind." She said grumpily.

"Welcome back, Mr.Knight." Mr.Summers said while pushing up his glasses. "Did you have a wonderful extended break or did you forget to come back. Either way you will have plenty of work to keep you occupied for awhile." the class laughed as he continued talking.

Remind me to never miss any of his classes.

"Anyways. You can have a seat behind Ms.Williamson so we can actually learn something educational." He said sarcastically.

He starts walking closer to me and meets my gaze. He seems so intense when he stopped at my desk. I saw him sniff the air.

Why did he do that? Do I smell or something?

I was finally able to look away when Mr. Summers called out, "Mr. Knight, Is there a problem?"

Matt cleared his throat and replied, "No sir."

"Well take a seat so we can continue with class."

"Um..Yes sir."

Well that was weird.

Class went on and all I could concentrate on was him. I felt his stare during the whole class. I was so relieved when the bell rang for the end of class.I quickly grabbed Chloe and sped out of the classroom.

"Woah. What was that about?" She said when we were in the hallway.

"Oh. I just... I just wanted to beat the hallway rush." I stuttered out.

"Ok? So do you want to come over to my house tonight?"

"Sure. That would be great."

"I'll introduce you to Matt at lunch since we left in such a rush."

"Ok." I said silently praying that he won't be there.


Now I know it is short so I'm posting two chapters today.

And if you didn't notice yet I put a hint of the next chapter at the beginning.

I hope y'all enjoy. ~Your author JP.

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