Ch.5: Matt's POV

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"When you think you are the protector, but actually just an idiot."~ Matt


Matt's POV

"Glad you could join with the rest of the teenage society of Mighty Alpha." Nick said as I walked up.

"Shut up, Nick. No one wants to hear your high pitch voice." I replied.

"It's not high pitched. I just have a higher octave than the rest of the men."

"Yeah, yeah. So catch me up."

"Well, the story was that you were out of town on business. Seems like everyone bought it."

"Ok. We will talk more in class after I get my schedule."

"Ok man. See you later. Oh and Chloe wants you to meet the new girl when you can." He said while running up into the school.

New girl? I'll think about that later.

I walked into the office building and grabbed my schedule. As opened the doors to the school, I smelt most amazing scent. It was a cross between vanilla, strawberries, and chocolate. I tried to follow the scent but it was lost to the stream of students in the hallway.

My wolf was going crazy over losing the scent.

Calm down. We will go searching for it later.

I started walking toward my first period when I smelt it again. It was getting stronger the closer I get to Mr.Summers' class. I opened the classroom door and was overwhelmed with the intoxicating scent. It seems like it was coming from the girl next to Chloe. She had long beautiful blonde hair with forest green eyes. She still had a little bit of a baby face. She was on the skinny side and light tan skin.

So this is my...

I was interrupted from my thoughts when Mr.Summers started talking.

"Welcome back, Mr. Knight.

"Welcome back, Mr.Knight." Mr.Summers said while pushing up his glasses. "Did you have a wonderful extended break or did you forget to come back. Either way you will have plenty of work to keep you occupied for awhile." the class laughed as he continued talking to me.

Never changes does he.

"Anyways. You can have a seat behind Ms.Williamson so we can actually learn something educational." He said sarcastically.

I started walking to my seat and met her eyes. I could have stared at them forever. Her scent got stronger as I got closer. I finally reached her desk and stopped. I sniffed the air and I saw her eyes widen.

Oops. Maybe I shouldn't have done that in public.

She looked away when Mr.Summers asked,

"Mr. Knight, Is there a problem?"

I cleared my throat and replied, "No sir."

"Well take a seat so we can continue with class."

"Um..Yes sir."

Dang. I hope I can catch her after class.

I didn't pay attention to the lecture. All I could do was look at her. It seemed like only a couple of minutes went by before the bell rang.

I was about to get her attention when she flew out the door with Chloe in tow.

I guess I will find her at lunch.


When you see >, it means they are talking by mind link.


> Hey, Nick? Do you have any info on the new girl?

> Umm...not much. She is from Oakstown, Iowa. She has the same classes as Chloe except 5th and 6th period. I don't know where she goes then.

>What about P.E.? Everyone is suppose to take it during 5th or 6th period.

> I think Chloe said that she met all the requirements at her old school.

> Ok. Thank, man. I'll see you at lunch.

> No problem.

Shamara Williamson. You are a mystery.


Two Chapters in one day. I'm so glad to get ideas.

To elephant44: Thank you for the ideas. I am thinking of a great place to put it into my story. It will probably be later into the story before I can set everything right. Right now I am letting you get to know the characters but I will start the action soon enough. I am also putting together the ideas of the second book of the series. Thanks for the support.

Your author ~JP

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