Chapter 2

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The darkness outside hinted that I still had time to pray my morning prayer. I had a dreadful feeling as soon as I woke up, minutes ago. I was scared...

Hopefully I would feel a little bit better after praying.

I pulled back my long hair and put it in a high ponytail while I went to turn on the lights. My eyes had a hard time adjusting to the brightness. The reason behind that was most probably the tears that had refused to stop all night long.

I had a terrible night, with different thoughts and possibilities circling in my mind. I had tried to think as positive as possible, but my situation wasn't really allowing me to do that.

There was nothing positive about me being forced into a marriage.

Shaking my head at the thought, I made my way to the kitchen. I pulled open the fridge and reached for a water bottle. I gulped down almost half of it before putting it back.

My attention moved to the window when I heard birds chirping. I walked up to it and pulled open the curtains.

The sun hadn't risen yet and the neighborhood was empty, like it usually was at that hour of the morning.

The thoughts and fear of leaving and never coming back was eating me up alive.

I closed the curtains hastily and leaned against the wall as my eyes closed. I released a heavy sigh.

"It will be over soon.." I tried to reassure myself.

My eyes shot open and I forced myself from the wall. Taking one last look around the kitchen, I walked towards my room by forcing each step of mine.

It felt like all the energy had drained from my body. I was tired. I was tired of thinking about my situation. Tired of worrying.

All because of that vicious man, Walid Aydin.

I didn't want to think about him. He was an evil creature who was hurting me for no reason at all. How could he just wake up one day and decide that he was going to marry me? He didn't have any remorse at all.

I tried to stop thinking about him as I entered the bathroom. I took a quick shower and left the bathroom fully dressed with a towel around my hair. Once in my room, I let loose my damp hair to let it dry on itself and went to my praying corner.

I put down the prayer mat on the carpet and prepared myself for praying. As soon as I was done with the morning prayer, I felt like a small burden had erased from my heart. I felt at peace as I sat on the prayer mat and just dozed off.

After some moments, my eyes landed on the praying mat again and I closed my eyes as my hands came together. "I don't really understand anything right now, but please counsel me. I don't know what to do. Ya Allah, I'm leaving everything in your hands now. Please show me the right path. Ameen." I finished and stood up.

I pushed back the tears and put aside the prayer mat. I sat down on my bed and sighed. My mind wandered to my ten year old brother Sammy, who was probably sound asleep.

Standing up, I made my way to his room. I walked in and sat down beside his sleeping figure. He was lightly snoring, making me smile as I ran my fingers through his hair.

Could this possibly be the last time I was here, with him?

Only God knew what kind of person Walid was. Would he lock me up somewhere?

It was more than normal for me to be worried. I didn't know him or anything about him. I only knew he was a bad person who appeared in my life like a unwanted storm.

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