Chapter 8

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The next day, breakfast had already been prepared by Razza when I had walked in to the dining room.

After having breakfast together, I helped Razza clean up and he left for home, telling me he would come later to prepare lunch for us.

There was no sign of Walid in the morning and I didn't bother asking Razza where he was because I was honestly relieved. I was still confused about everything that happened yesterday morning to evening...

Sighing, I put the last cup away and proceeded to walk out of the kitchen. My eyes suddenly landed on the small basket, consisting the cake I had baked yesterday. I hadn't even gotten the chance to taste it last night because of how stressed I had been.

My sleep last night had been as disturbed as any other night. Thoughts about Walid had bothered me all night.

The way he played with my mind. The way he managed to make me do anything he wanted.

I had thought a lot about it last night and decided to try and put an end to that. I had decided there would be some changes. I wouldn't act like the scared little girl in front of him. He needed to know and understand  that I was worth more than just being ordered around. He couldn't step over me. Not now, not ever.

Walid didn't have me wrapped around his finger and he would never have me wrapped around his finger...

I had also thought a lot about the encounter with his brother. I had an uneasy feeling when it came to Asaf.

Across from the two brothers trashing each other, I  couldn't stop thinking about the way he had stared at me. He had almost ended up crying....

The reason behind him acting like that to seeing me was still very much unclear. But, I made up my mind to try and find out when the time was right.

Shaking my head, I pushed away the thoughts and unrevealed the cake in the basket.

Since I didn't get to eat the cake yesterday, I had expected it to be untouched. Which to my surprise it wasn't, making me wonder who had tasted it....

I came to a conclusion that it was probably Razza...

I put the basked back and left the kitchen. On the way out, I decided to try and avoid Walid today at any cost. I wasn't ready to face him yet. If I was going to be the strong girl in front of him, I needed time.

I was still a bit shaken from last night...


I tiptoed towards the stairs to see if someone was downstairs.

Fortunately, Walid was nowhere in sight. The empty house made me step down quietly and make my way towards the kitchen.

I had been hiding in my room all day long. It was already evening and I was hungry, wanting nothing more than food.

Earlier in the afternoon, I was seated by the sea until I heard Walid's car arrive. I was so stressed that I had quickly risen and hid behind a tree. After that I had made my way inside the house with much difficulty and succeeded in making a run to my room, without him hopefully noticing me.

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