Chapter Thirteen - Second Chance

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On our way to work that morning, he asked me a question.

JK- Hey, wanna go out some day? I have some things I would like for us to do.

Y/N- Yes, of course. I would love to.

JK- Great! When are you free?

Y/N- Well, I have some work I'll have to finish by Friday, so I'll probably be busy a lot this week. But on the weekend I'm free, as usual.

JK- So, Saturday? Would that work?

Y/N- Definitely.

We drove for a little longer and then we arrived at work. We stepped out of the car and entered the building. The day went on as usual. I spent most of my time in my office, working on some future designs. Then I ate lunch with Jungkook and Jimin. It was a little bit awkward between me and Jimin because of what happened the night before. And Jungkook didn't fail to catch it.

JK- Guys, is everything okay between the two of you?

Y/N- Yeah. *Quietly* I guess...

He heard it, even though I didn't intend for him to hear.

JK- What do you mean, you guess? Did something happen?

JM- Well... We went out for dinner yesterday. Just as friends.

Y/N- But a certain someone couldn't really keep his hands to himself... It wasn't anything major but still...

JK- What the hell did you do, Jimin!?

Y/N- Calm down darling, he just tried taking my hand. It wasn't that bad. But it feels a little strange after that.

JK- Jimin, you know very well that she is off limits. You can't just try stealing someone else's girl.

JM- I know, and I'm really sorry. I didn't think it through before acting. I'm sorry, to both of you...

Y/N- Don't worry about it. Let's leave that behind us and move on. I said you could have a second chance and you will.

JK- Fine. But if it happens again, you leave us alone. Understood?

JM- Yes. I got it.

JK- Good. I'm going back to work. I'll drive you home after work as usual baby.

He pecked my lips and walked away.

Y/N- Excuse him. He just gets a little jealous sometimes. We became official just a few days ago, you know?

JM- Yeah, I know. It's okay, I get it. I would probably be jealous too. Even though it wasn't that dramatic.

Y/N- Well... I should get back to work too. I'll see you later or tomorrow. Bye Jimin.

JM- Yeah, see you. Good luck with work. Bye Y/N.

And then I walked off. It was still a little awkward between us, but I was determined to give him a second chance. I wanted to give us a chance to be friends.

After work, Jungkook drove me home as usual. He asked a few questions about what me and Jimin did last night, and soon he understood that nothing else had happened. I kissed him goodbye and went into my house. I knew I would have to work on some things even after work this week. I needed to get it done by Friday and it was only two days away. I changed clothes to something more comfortable and then I started working again. The rest of the week went on as usual.

-Magical Time Skip To Early Friday Morning-

*Ding Dong*
The door bell rang. I walked to the door and opened it.

Y/N- Hey Kookie, you're here early.

JK- Yeah, I woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep, so I thought I would come here and keep you company.

Y/N- That's really sweet of you. Come in.

I let him into the house and we walked to the kitchen.

Y/N- Have you had breakfast?

JK- Yes I have.

Y/N- Okay, then I'll just fix something for myself. You can sit down in the dining room if you want to. I'll be there in a minute.

JK- Nah, I'll stay here with you.

He pulled me close to him and kissed me, letting me feel his soft lips on mine.

JK- I love you, did you know that?

Y/N- I did, actually. And I love you too.

JK- *Chuckles*

I kissed him again and then continued to make my breakfast. He had his arms around my waist from behind, throughout the whole process. I loved having him there with me. When I was done, we walked to the dining room and he sat across from me, looking into my eyes.

After breakfast we drove to work as usual. He questioned me about the weekend.

JK- We're still going out tomorrow, right? You didn't change your mind?

Y/N- Of course we are. Why would I change my mind?

JK- I don't know. Just wondering.

Y/N- You want to go out, right?

JK- Yes. I would spend all day with you every day if I could.

Y/N- And I would do the same with you.

We arrived at work and the day went on as usual. Then he drove me home afterwards.

Y/N- You could stay the night with me if you want to? Then we could spend all day together tomorrow. Like seriously all day.

JK- Is that okay with you?

Y/N- Of course, I love having you around.

JK- In that case, I would love to.

Y/N- Perfect.

-End Of Chapter Thirteen-

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