Chapter Two - HIM

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It was Sunday night. I had been out with a couple of friends for the day. Now I was home and I decided to see if there was any possibility for me to find the mysterious guy from last night... All I had was his cap. His first name was written on the inside of it, but I knew that there were many people around with the name Jungkook. I decided to try and search him up anyway. I typed in his name and the city I assumed he lived in; Seoul. I assumed he lived somewhere around here since he was out walking in the area that late. I realized quickly though, that there was no way I was gonna get through all those people by the end of the day. It was Sunday, so I knew I would have to go to work tomorrow. That meant I couldn't spend that much time looking for him.

'What am I going to do now? There is no way I can find him...' I thought to myself. I slammed my hand against the table so the table shook. My glass of water fell to the ground. The glass smashed against the floor and broke into a million pieces and the water ended up all over the floor.

Y/N- Aaargh! Why does this have to happen right now!? I need all the time I can get!

Now I didn't just have to look through my computer all night, but I had to clean up that mess too!

Y/N- Maybe I should just go to sleep? I can't do anything right when I feel this stressed anyways. I'm just gonna clean this up and then I'll go to bed.

I got all the gear I needed and cleaned up. Then I took a quick shower and went to sleep.

-The Next Day-

'Good morning world. Hopefully this day will be better than last night was.' I got out of bed and made my breakfast with a positive attitude. I wanted to ignore the mess I made yesterday and just think about the new day and the new week laying ahead of me. It was Monday after all, and I really liked my job so Mondays weren't really a problem for me. Though it's always nice to rest on the weekends. But I was determined to make this a good day. And when I would get back home, I had plans on continuing my research. I really wanted to find my mysterious man.

'Jungkook. That's all I know. I like the name, but I just wish I knew where to find him... Whatever, I'm gonna try and focus on work now.'

I got my bag and put on my shoes and my coat, then I stepped out the door into the chilly morning air. The sky was clear blue, not a single cloud in sight. I kept walking until I was standing in front of the building where I work. I pressed the 'call' button outside the door and waited for an answer. After about ten seconds, one of my co-workers, Rosé, picked up. She worked as a model.

-Phone Call-

Y/N- Hello?

RS- Hey Y/N!

Y/N- Hi Rosé! Could you please let me in?

RS- Sure! See you soon.

Y/N- See you!

-End Of Phone Call-

I heard the door buzz quietly, that was the sign of it unlocking. I swiftly opened the door and entered the building. When I came up the stairs I was going to go to my office, but my boss came to me and asked me if I could stand behind the counter at the entrance for the day. He said that he was originally supposed to do that today, but something urgent came up. He had to take care of it right away and asked me to cover for him. I said yes, even though I'm not a very social person. I still think it's interesting to try something different.

-A Few Hours Later, Still At Work-

Y/N- Ugh... So boring... No one has been by this desk all day.

Suddenly the door opened and a man entered. I couldn't see his face because he was wearing a hoodie and a face mask.

???- Excuse me, miss? I'm applying for the new job as a model. Could you help me find the way to the office of the owner of this company please?

As soon as he spoke, he caught my attention. I recognized his voice and I knew right away that it was HIM!

-End Of Chapter 2-

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for reading, it means alot. Stay tuned for future updates!❤️❤️

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