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"10 more minutes, please" I groaned.

"If you do not get your ass out of bed I will drag you" Jasmine complained. "Its 11:00 o'clock, we need to get there by 7:00 o'clock in the evening and we have things to do before we get there. If we are late I'm going to tell Marianne exactly why." Sighing, she came over to my side of the bed, and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Your breakfast's downstairs, it's going to get cold."

That is her way of luring me out of bed in the morning, there was no way I could let the breakfast she made me, get cold. As she says, It isn't the same when you warm it up again...

I smiled, my eyes still closed. "Have I told you how much I love you?"

I just knew she rolled her eyes, "yes sweetie, you have. Now you can show me by getting out of bed" she chuckled. Then walked away from me, I could hear her heals against the hard flooring in our bedroom, and headed out the door.

I stretched in bed slowly removing the covers and got out. Today is Friday, the day of the performance for Haden School of Arts. My sister, Marianne, works there as a dance teacher now, as well as being in her last year of college. She always loved dancing ever since she was young and I secretly always knew she'd either be a professional dancer or at least work with dance. When we all left college and headed for university, she eventually decided to take up contemporary and perfect it, thank goodness for that, now she specialised in hip-hop, street dance and contemporary.

I'd love to say my dear sister invited us to watch her students perform their dance routine but I can't. Instead, she practically told us we're coming. She informed us about when and where it will be and then walked off shouting 'see you there'. So regardless of any plans we might've had, we'd have to cancel them and go.

Its not like I am reluctant to going, I want to see what she could've taught her students and how amazing they'd actually turn out to be. But a heads up would've been phenomenal. Jasmine and Marianne are needless to say, best friends now, they are always hanging together in their free time and constantly ganging up on me when they get the right chance. Typical.

I walked over to the bathroom, in my bedroom and quickly got into the shower then brushed my teeth. Walking out of the bathroom, I went over to my wardrobe to see what I had to wear. I rummage through my clothes and settle on wearing a short sleeved white T-shirt with a pattern on it, although its early in the year it is pretty warm outside so it feels right, that Jasmine had gotten for me last year, she claimed it just screamed my name and so she bought it instantly, and a pair of faded grey fitting jeans with my white Pumas. I spray myself with this Cologne I have and run a check with myself in the mirror before leaving my room with my car keys and phone in hand.

"That was quick!" My amazing fiancé exclaimed. Standing in the kitchen busily tapping away at her phone. Her, now, wavy dark brown hair, falling seamlessly below her shoulders.

"I really wanted to show that I love you" I winked, taking my food out of the microwave, which is where it usually is if I wake up late and its already made.

"Mhm. And you just couldn't wait to eat breakfast, because it doesn't taste the same when you warm it up again" she laughed, still tapping away at her phone.

Grabbing a seat at the kitchen island I continued, "which is what you've been saying forever now." I stuffed a whole pancake into my mouth.

"Because it's true," she paused and looked at me "you're a pig you know that?"

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