Chapter twenty-This is perfect.

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Layla's P.O.V

This is perfect. AWESOME. That's what I am. Not to brag or sound cocky. But I'm seriously thinking about pursuing a Matchmaking career, because the whole 'get Xzavier and Jasmine to know each other more' operation was more than a go. It was basically exceeding my expectations by the minute.

I know it may sound as if I'm just overreacting. But I'm not, see, Xzavier is my best friend and I've known him for ions. And I know that he's not really the type of person to talk about his feelings and all that stuff. He's only ever had two girlfriends one of which broke his heart by leaving him out of the blue. But let's not go into details. And the other one, Angelica, her and Xzavier left on good terms they were 16 at the time, she was moving to America and they didn't think they could do the whole long distance thing. So the just remained friends, and last he heard, she moved on and has a boyfriend of her own.

So since then Xzavier hasn't really been dating anybody. He just wasn't into it. So, back to the point, for him and Jasmine to be laughing, exchanging phone numbers, talking about who-knows-what and, I'm pretty sure I saw them for a second, holding hands. This told me my plan wasn't a waste of time and that my goal of getting the two of them talking at least, has, as I said, exceeded my expectations. And continued too.

"What are you so smiley about?" Nick next to me asked me, clearly amused at the fat smile plastered across my face, pushing the shopping trolley.

"Those two are basically a match made in heaven." I motioned to Xzavier and Jasmine who were walking behind us, laughing at something.

"Oh them. Yeah, I got a confession out of Xzavier earlier. He didn't exactly admit he liked Jasmine. But the way he was talking about her.... I could tell." He said, looking at the shopping list.

"Since when did you become an expert on stuff like that" I chuckled, chucking a box of after eights chocolates into the trolley. They are my favourite to have on Christmas day.

He shrugged. "I wouldn't say expert. It was just so obvious. I know how guys act when it comes to them having feelings for a girl. Stuff like that. You know?"

This was a side that I hadn't seen of Nick before. He was actually being genuine. Leaving out the time he was with me in hospital with my mum, those are the days I'd rather forget. Although it was hard because it was only a few days ago she got released from hospital. And I was very relieved to see she was doing amazing. Just like things were back to normal. However the court case was slowly creeping up to the front of my mind and reminding me that life wasn't back to normal just yet. Soon, but not yet. On Tuesday we'd find out if the woman responsible, Cathy, and her previous partner, Mark, would be given the correct punishment for their actions. I wondered how long their sentence would actually be.

"How do they act?" I asked, curious.

He said something under his breath but I didn't hear him.

"It depends. On how the guys character is anyway." He paused "like take me for instance." I smiled, I kind of expected him to get himself in the conversation topic. "If I liked somebody, some girl, I would definitely try and tell her. Key word being try. Because I don't know, feelings do something to you where at times you can't think straight or rationally, that's what someone who isn't in the same position of having feelings for someone would say. That feeling you get all over you when you're near the person you like or whatever. I once heard, that that feeling is common sense leaving your body" he laughed.

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