Chapter eighteen-Cupid.

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I woke up in my bedroom, I know it was my bedroom because my surroundings looked familiar and my soft covers were giving me a distinguishable feeling. The light crept in through the curtains, lighting up part of my floor creating a pretty pattern.

Wait. I don't remember getting in bed last night.

Slowly I sat up, yawning, and tried to process my thoughts.

I went to watch Marieann perform.
I was tired afterwards so Nick drove home..

Suddenly it came to me, Nick had driven me home and I'd fallen asleep in the car.

So maybe he'd carried me here?

I stopped thinking about everything because I was just grateful to have woken up in my bed, however I got here. Checking the time on my clock, which read 10:00AM, I pushed of my covers and stepped out of bed, gasping when my feet came into contact with the hard, cold laminated floor. Recollecting myself, I walked over to my bathroom, not before passing my mirror to notice I was in the same clothes as last night.

"God" I muttered to myself. Grabbing a pair of black leggings and a tank top and laying them out on the bed to change into once i got out the shower.

I pushed open the bathroom door and set the shower to a medium temperature before stepping inside. I allowed the water to wake me up a bit, I washed my face after the rest of my body and grabbed my bottle of lavender scented shampoo and massaged it into my hair before washing it off under the warm water.

Slowly I stepped out the shower and wrapped myself and my hair in my towel and went on to brush my teeth. When I was done, I went back to my bedroom and got dressed before attending to my long blonde, now slightly knotted and in need of a cut, hair.

"What am I gonna do with you?" I spoke aloud to my hair.

Which isn't weird at all.

I blow dried my hair and decided to settle with a plait going over my shoulder. Nothing too special. I tidied away my comb, brush and hair dryer then headed downstairs to see where everyone was, although I'm sure I knew my dad was at work, and eat some breakfast. Hunger was taking over me. Fast.

Making sure I was quiet in case anybody was still asleep, even though it was ten something in the morning and my mum would surely be awake by now cleaning away things that aren't there (Like I said she keeps herself busy by recleaning everything, so there's no actual mess or dust but she cleans anyway), I made my way downstairs. I heard the TV in the front room on and the door was half opened. So I went over.

"Hello?" I poked my head round the corner, to find Nick himself. He turned around to me and flashed me a smile.

"Your awake, finally." He stood up walking toward my direction, "it's literally been forever"

"Uhh, it's only ten something on a Saturday. You drama Queen" I said walking to the kitchen with him by my side. Then curiosity got the better of me. I asked him how I got to bed last night. And he told me he carried me there. Not without smirking of course.

"Well we gotta go short stuff"

At this I shot my head in his direction. Straight at him, ignoring the little nickname. "We?" I paused, "where's my mum?" I asked, noticing I haven't seen her yet.

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