Dance mother fu*ker

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Dear diary,

Today I can honestly say is the worst day of my life. I thought the bully's were bad before? No today was a all time low. Today I walked into the school and I got my usual. Getting called a slut, whore, nerd, emo, ect. Stuff right? Well then the unthinkable happened. Chris... He... Did it again.... Before third period... He grabbed me and shoved me into the janitors closet on the third floor. No one goes on the third floor anymore because of the construction. But he... Grabbed me. And... Touched me. since we were on the third floor no one heard me screaming. No one heard me trying to get away. It was terrible. But the worst part was when he tried to... Put it in me... He's done it twice before but something happened today. A teacher heard me screaming. And came to help. She opened the door and saw what he was doing. Saw his pants to the ground and me laying there crying begging him not to. He got expelled. He went to jail. I know I should be happy but I'm not. What he said to me before they dragged him away will give me nightmares for the rest of my life. "you think I was bad? Bitch this is just the beginning. You fucking wait until I get out." so that is why I have decided. I'm leaving. It isn't like my mom will care. She's to busy in her drunken state to even notice I'm gone. Nobody at school will notice either. So I'm leaving tonight at 11. I've already packed the total of my stuff into three suitcases and got the remaining money out of our bank.$ 1,200. I plan on going to indiana. I'm gone.

Love always,

Aubrey Clark<3

A/N soo what do you think? Leave comments and votes loves<3

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