Chapter 7- A Broken heart

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Adrien is getting engaged to Chloe! That too tonight! How could this be possible....

And then tears watered Marinette's eyes , but she didn't let them fall , she got up from her seat and rushed to the nearest washroom. By now her tears had made their way out and flowed continuously. She looked into the mirror, and in it stood a girl crying , her eye makeup spread over her white face  and her eyes blood-shot red. Her hair untidy and all over the place and her lips quivering.  She stared at the reflection as lone tears fell one by one and she wiped them off. She then place her hand on the washbasin and stared at the girl standing in the mirror, her eyes burnt and her body wanted to give up , but she continued to stare ....

Between the 4 walls, there was so much depth to this side of life, a sad side with crushing effects and undiluted misery.  The time would just tick seconds would go , but she wouldn't understand how to outkive the grumpiness and the blue that surrounded her this moment. She felt heartbroken,  she felt dejected , the air around her felt heavy too just like her broken heart and her body seemed to lose its own gloominess and energy , there was something so thick like a fog that surrounded her just this moment and she had to clear it out.... and so she let her melancholy burden her and she let those grief- strikken tears to fall...

Marinette why are you doing this for him, that fool who doesn't even remember you, who doesn't even have the will to at least say a hello to you. You can't be crying for him, he is just a fool
Her brain told her, but her heart told otherwise
You don't desrve him Marinette,  you never desrved him! He only desrves the best and are you the aren't , you are clumsy, late and a total klutz, so don't blame him for not choosing you.

"Shut up !" She shouted loudly with her hands covering her ears. She needed to leave this place , she had to or else she wouldn't be able to stop herself from crying , crying for someone who didn't even meet or greet her. She looked at the reflection in the mirror and looked at the depressed soul and so she walked away from the mirror because it haunted her and reminded her of him...

She sat down resting her back on the wall and her head on her knees.

And somewhere in the Agreste Mansion and black  circular window opened and there stood the ever greedy and evil Hawkmoth in his costume. Looking at the sight of Marinette he laughed and then stated

"A broken heart for a boy she couldn't have! Depression and frustration , a perfect fire for my little akuma!

Fly away my akuma and evilize her "

And just like that a pretty butterfly was evilised and turned its beautiful white wings to dark black ones indicating evil. It flew out the window and to where it would find its new victim -the washroom......

 It flew out the window and to where it would find its new victim -the washroom

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So here is the lil chapter with a lil cliffhanger.....

Anyways As always Vote, comment and share!
Sending virtual hugs
《 Insha 》

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