Chapter 25: Hunger of the Mind, Body, and Soul

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I march down the sandy shore of my property above the water, gliding down the steep cliff that marks the beginning of the beach, and towards the familiar waves of the sea. A figure, one I know well, stands tall among the shallow pulling of the ocean. 

The Kelpie bows low at my approach, his natural form radiating anxiety. Good.

"How long have you known, Ríoga?" Loki asks, fighting against himself to look me in the eyes.

"Long enough." I speak aloud, remaining in human form. I expect him to comment on this, but I believe he understands he has no place to. Especially not after what Logan and I have discovered together.

His jaw clenches, "I did not mean for this to happen."

"I am sure you did not," I snap, "yet you still threaten the very foundation of our species."

"With all due respect, Ríoga, you have done the same."

This statement would typically bring my temper to life, but the remnants of Logan's presence keep me level-headed. "No, I have not. Logan has a destiny intertwined with our world. She is my bondmate, chosen by the Moon. Her place is with me. She is meant for this." I pause, staring deep into the eyes of my personal guard, "Katherine; however, is not, and neither are you."

The Kelpie lowers his head further, but still manages to maintain eye contact. "I understand, Ríoga."

A part of me softens. Perhaps it is the sadness within that admission, or the relief that comes with knowing that another Kelpie cares for a human. No matter the case, I find myself walking closer and placing a hand against his shuddering shoulder. "You are not alone, my friend." He lifts his head, finally, and gives me a wary look. "Perhaps these humans have some secret allure to us. Like you, I feel too powerless to fight what feels so right."

His eyes widen with understanding, forcing a small smile from my lips. "Ríoga, I-"

"Do you love her?"

Loki releases a shaky breath. "Love... I had no concept of such an emotion, I know that now." The Kelpie finally shifts into his human form, a scarred hand smoothing the back of his bald head. "I thought love was a simple, outdated, and pathetic feeling. But it is not, Ríoga. It is abstract and ruthless. Even when I find myself in a dangerous situation, within Katherine's arms, I feel safest. I have never felt such contradiction within myself or in my beliefs." His eyes turn pleading, desperate to convey the pain and pleasure of love. "I have tried to fight this, Ríoga, you must believe me. I am loyal to only you. I survive for you. But I live for her."

"I see." I lean forwards and search his eyes, "do you intend to tell her of your true nature?"

My personal guard immediately kneels before me, "I will only act as you wish, Ríoga. I am your trusted follower."

I turn from him, gazing back to the house, imagining the woman inside, still sleeping. The woman who possesses my soul. "I understand."

For a moment, we go quiet, watching each other in companionable silence. Then, an urge to lighten the mood grows in the pit of my stomach. I glance at his bare scalp. "I do not understand; however, how you could do such a thing to your head. Your mane was beautiful."

Loki blushes lightly, and at once I am taken back to the time when we were young foals, teasing and taunting each other. My childhood friend had been shy and bashful at the time, and my boisterous self had more than made up for that. "I wanted a change, Ríoga."

"While I understand the need to entertain spontaneous impulse, I do not see how that could trump the value of your precious hair. It was so long. And colorful. Do you know how many Kelpies dreamed to have hair such as yours?"

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