The Gender

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"It's a boy!" She said to us.

We could see its little part on the screen which was kind of gross. Colin started smiling and it looked as if he was going to cry. This guy should win Man Of The Year. I was going to love him forever.

"See I told you!" I said to Colin laughing.

"Whatever a boys fine." He said.

I could tell why he didn't want a boy. Honestly I just want a boy so Josh can have a friend to play with. He can be friends with his cousin when they're older. Plus baby boy clothes are so cute! Colin was still smiling although I could tell he was mad. All I wish is that this baby didn't have to be the devils baby.

I bought some pictures of the ultrasound to send to my family. Colins parents knew i was dating him, they just didnt know i was pregnant. Next week they were coming and im guessing this will be news to them. Colin made copies of the pictures I got so we could have them and his parents could keep as well.

Colin and I were cleaning and in the process, I stumbled across his hat pile. I picked them all up and put them in the cabinet below my shoes. That cabinet was very spacious and fit all his hats. I vacuumed the room as he cleaned the kitchen. He wouldn't let me do that because the fumes were too strong apparently. After vacuuming the room I went to the closet to dust off everything.

When we, or should I say when he, finished cleaning we went to eat dinner at Olive Garden because I was craving pasta.

"My mom used to work at Olive Garden." I said eating my pasta.

"Really? Did she cook?" Colin asked.

"Nah, she washed the dishes." I said taking a sip of my soda.

"Oh.." He said blankly.

"Then she quit because there was a dude who annoyed her." I said.

"My mom once quit a job, but it was at cleaning diapers." He laughed.

I laughed too. I was getting tired so we went home. He watched some TV while I went to shower. I got out and put some pajamas on. I put on my slippers and walked to the living room.

"Babe, I'm tired." I said laying on his lap.

"Me too." He said as I yawned.

I cuddled him as he put his arms around me. I fell asleep in his arms. He was like a giant teddy bear that I didn't want to let go. Speaking of teddy bears, the giant one Colin gave me was now my pillow.

The next morning I woke up alone in bed. I was confused at first then heard snores...coming from the ground. I looked down and Colin was face down on the ground. I wanted to laugh but he looked uncomfortable.

"Colin," I said shaking him, "Colin, get up."

I repeated it until he started moving.

"Colin get on the bed and sleep." I said trying to get him up.

"Damn girl," he said rubbing his head.

"What?" I asked.

"For a little pregnant lady you kick," He said laying on the bed, "very hard. You also move, a lot."

"I'm sorry." I said covering him with the blanket.

"No, it's okay" he said going back to sleep.

I went to the kitchen and made some waffles. I used the pancake mix, but what's the difference? I put some blueberries in mine. I was also craving pickles so I will have those as a side dish. I wasn't going to eat a lot. All I was having was 2 waffles, 1 pickle, and milk. I made some waffles for Colin so he could eat when he woke up.

I watched Teen Wolf because I missed it on Monday. I was in love with this show. Dylan O'brien is like the most sexiest creature. He's my baby. I know, weird, but he is just the cutest thing. I have been in love with this show for like ever.

The ending made me want to smash my TV into a million pieces. I was so mad I screamed into a pillow. I called my brother and complained.

"Jose, this ain't cool man, why do they always end it when it becomes interesting?!" I cried.

"Lupe, calm down. It's just a show." He said.

"JUST A SHOW?!" I yelled.

"Calm down." He stated.


"Dude, chill." He laughed.

"Jose, now I have to wait til next week and I don't want to wait." I cried.

"Well too bad, I gotta go. Josh just woke up." He said laughing.

"Whatever. Tell him I said hi." I said wiping my tear.

"Okay." He said hanging up.

Colin came towards me and said, "You've got strong lungs too."

"Sorry." I said about to cry again.

"Babe are you okay?" He sounded concerned.

"No." I said crying.

"Why not? What's wrong?" He asked.

"I have to wait for a new Teen Wolf and it ended horribly and I just ate gross food I wouldn't eat if the spawn of satan wasn't in me and my feet are killing me as well as I woke you up and my hormones are being cray and I am craving blue cheese," I said crying into him.

"Babe it's okay." He said wrapping his arms around me.

"No it's not okay. I don't even like blue cheese!" I cried.

"It's okay I'll get you blue cheese." He said kissing my head.

"Colin, I don't need you to get me cheese. I can do it myself." I said getting up and wiping my tears.

I put my slippers on and grabbed my keys. I drove to the store and got blue cheese and chips. I also got Dr. Pepper. I payed and drove back home. Colin was on the phone with someone so I went to the living room to eat.

Colin came up to me and started kissing me.

"Stop!" I said moving.

He stopped and then grabbed a chip.

"Why would you do that!" I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Eat one of my chips?!" I asked.

"I'm sorry babe." He said.

The phone started ringing and he got up to get it. I laid down on the couch and fell asleep.


When I woke up Colin was dressed and then asked me, "babe I have something to show you."

I got up as he led me to the room of shoes. He opened the door and all of his shoes were boxed and out of the way.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"Well, the baby is going to need a room." He said.

"You did this for him?" I asked.

He nodded and kissed me.

I smiled at the thought of him and a little boy running around playing.

For now, we had to make room for when his parents came to visit.

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