The School

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"How about I take you home?" Colin asked.

"No I can drive." I said.

"C'mon let me take you" He insisted.

"How about no" I said laughing.

"Why not" he said pouting,

"Because I need my car in Seattle. Not here" I told him.

"Fine then why don't I drive you to the dorms" he asked.

"Better" I said giving him the keys to my car.

Colin had stayed the weekend at my house and my parents enjoyed having him there.

Honestly he's a great guy, I have no clue why he decided to stay with me. It makes absolutely no sense at all. I never knew a guy could be so nice. Except for my friend Miguel. That dude is the bomb diggity. Like he buys me whatever I want. Acts gay when in reality he likes girls he's the bomb.

I fell asleep in the car as we drove to the dorms. Urania knew I was with Colin and my parents. We got to the dorms at like 11:45pm. As I was getting ready to be bombarded with questions on how it went by Urania, I tripped on my foot and fell. I was so embarrassed so I started laughing. I don't know why I do that. Its a good thing Colin didn't see.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Im fine" I said giggling.

"Okay just making sure" He said grabbing my hand.

Ugh this dude is so sweet. I cant.

bzz bzz

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I grabbed it and then checked who it was before stuffing it back into my pocket.

Why the hell did you leave?! I told you not to go anywhere!

It was him. I quickly texted back making sure that Colin didn't see.

I go to college. Goodnight.

I said hoping he got the message that I didn't want to talk to him.

What college.

I didn't reply. I simply put my phone in my pocket.

I got to my room and then I kissed Colin goodnight. I quietly opened my closet and grabbed pajamas. I got in the bathroom and changed quickly and quietly. As I was putting my clothes into the bin of my dirty clothes the light flickered on and I screamed.

"So how did it go?" Urania asked.

"Go to sleep I'll tell you tomorrow. Im tired" I said climbing up to my bed.

"Fine" She agreed turning the light off.

"Thank you" I said covering myself with my blankets.


"Lupe! Wake up! Lets go!" I heard Urania yell.

"Lets not" I said yawning.

"C'mon we're going to be late. Its an hour from now" She yelled pulling my blanket.

"Its cold!!" I yelled curling into a ball.

"If you get up right now i'll buy you starbucks." She insisted.

"Girl I want sleep" I replied getting down.

"You can sleep in the car. We still have to get Miguel you know" She said putting her hair up.

"Ugh!" I said kicking my trash bin. "Ouchie!" I yelled.

"Ha Ha" she laughed.

"shut up" I demanded.

I grabbed some jeans a loose sweater and a tank top. I grabbed my undergarments and ran to the shower. I quickly showered. I was really tired so I decided to put my glasses on instead of putting on my contacts.

I grabbed a scarf and put it on. I put on my glasses and found a pair of moccasins to wear. I grabbed my bag and we left the dorm. Urania was driving and I was in the passenger seat. I stuffed my blanket into my bag before leaving so I laid back and covered my self. I fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of Miguel yelling at me. Honestly I don't know what goes through his head when he does that. No one ever wakes me up except for Miguel. They got me a hot chocolate which was warm by now.

We were doing a campus tour for several middle and high schoolers. I was asked by one of my professors. He mentioned waking up early and that's when I was about to say no. Then little Ms. Wake Up Early and Mr. Lets make Lupes Life Miserable said yes for me. Lets just say the ride back to the dorms was very uncomfortable for them.

Honestly I was lazy as long I could recall. I would always pretend to be sick on walking field trips, never have I ever gone walking anywhere. I always waited until my dad got home to take me to our local Walmart, which was right down the street. Even my mom complained about thinking I was dead in her womb because I would never kick. The only time I did was when I was hungry, she said.

"Hello I'm Lupe" I introduced myself to the middle school children.

"Im Miguel" Miguel introduced himself.

I recognized one of my old middle school teachers and went to say hi.

"Ms. Qualle!" I said trying to get her attention. She turned around and smiled.

"Lupe! How are you!" She said hugging me.

"Great and you!" I asked.

"Good thanks. You study here?" She asked me.

"Yeah. I come here with Miguel, and Urania." I answered.

"That's great honey! Are you going to class?" she asked. Obviously she missed my fab intro.

"No. Im here giving tours around campus for you guys" I replied.

"Oh how great! I'll see you around I guess" She said as her class started walking.

"Bye!" I said waving. I ran back to Miguel. We were also getting ready to leave.

Bzz Bzz

I checked my phone quickly,

Im giving you one last chance to tell me what college you attend. If not I will look for you and I don't care where I have sex with you.

I go to Washington State University

Funny how theres Washington State University and University of Washington. I get the two confused. Woopsies.

Meet me at 1326 Bouper Rd. Its my house, why don't we take care of business there bitch.

Ruuuuudeee. I sighed deeply and Miguel looked at me.

"Im sorry, what?" I asked.

"See guys that's what hard work does to you. You get caught up in your work and don't focus on anything fun. Which is where I'm getting to, we have great study halls and lounges. They're completely different even though they look similar.." Miguel went on and on.

I started sweating thinking about that monster touching me in ways that I would never even think of letting my future husband do to me. I fought back the tears and hoping no one noticed I cussed. I rarely ever cuss. Unless I get really mad or sad or worried. I don't like bad words. They're like words that are easily replaced. No one ever has the need of cussing.

The day was just getting started and he was starting to make my day miserable.

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