The Past

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I ran upstairs with Colin and started crying.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

"Because something that I really need to tell you happened" I responded.

"So, tell me" He said.

"Okay but first you need to promise me on your life that you will never tell anyone and won't mention it and will not ever leave me when I need you" I explained.

"okay. I promise." He said with pure honesty in his eyes.

"Okay." I took a deep breath and started, "So when I was about fifteen or sixteen, I met this guy at JcPenny. He was only like a year or two older than I was. And you know how I make friends with everyone right?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Okay so my friend made me go ask him a question and because of that question we started talking and such. He was the nicest person ever, like he would always watch my back and was even more protective then my brother. So then he asked me out and I said yes. A little after a month of going out, he would hate it when I hung around my guy friends. Literally he hated it when I would have my guy friends around, he would think I was gonna do something with them. He would think I flirted with them. It was really annoying. I decided to talk to him about it because I had started to loose so many friends because of him and his controlling ways. When I asked him to meet me at the park so we could talk he immediately came. We talked calmly until I brought up my friends. He tensed up and I continued to speak. I asked him If he could trust me and let me hang out with who I wanted. That got him really mad. He jumped of the swing he was sitting on and pushed me off mine. I can clearly remember him yelling at me, YOU THINK YOU MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS YOU LITTLE BITCH? YOU THINK I CAN TRUST YOU WHEN YOU ACT LIKE A SLUT? I remember him throwing me to the ground and kicking bark at me. I ran home and decided to break up with him the next day at school. I was so wrong to try. He spat in my face and laughed. He made me miss the bus that day and gave me a ride home. I didn't realize he had passed by my house and headed towards his house. When he parked the car we were in front of his house and I wouldn't get out until he took me home. He didn't like that and grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the house. That day was the worst day ever. He had taken my innocence from me and bragged about it at school. It was that year my brother and him graduated. Honestly I was relieved because I assumed that since he was leaving he couldn't watch over me anymore. I was wrong once more. He had his friends watch over me. I didn't know at first so I started hanging out with my friends again. Without him around I guessed I could just be myself. That first day of school he was waiting for me outside in the courtyard. He looked nice. He didn't seem mad at all. He looked really innocent. He didn't look like his mean self. I hated him so much I wanted to punch him but I couldn't. I had to suck it up. He greeted me kindly and I did to him as well. As soon as I stepped in the car the torture started. He pulled my hair and cussed at me, WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE SLUT! YOU THINK JUST BECAUSE IM NOT HERE YOU CAN ACT LIKE A SLUT AGAIN? It was scary to think that a guy, that looked so nice turned out to be a monster. He had slapped me so hard I had a bruise forming on my face. I couldn't stand him. This went on for a year. Until he went off to college. Leaving me alone my senior year. I tried to stay away from his friends at all times. A couple weeks after he left I had been feeling horrible. I would wake up and have stomach aches and I thought I just had the stomach flu so I took nausea medication. It wouldn't stop so I went to tell my mom and we went to the doctors. After waiting for what seemed to be a long time, the doctor came in," I took a deep breath and continued, "I found out I was pregnant. I had been about two months pregnant by then. My mom was so disappointed but she didn't know what I dealt with when that baby was conceived. I was in tears and cried to my mom and tried giving her an explanation. I was so scared. To think my senior year was going to be great, I got pregnant. Especially with a monsters baby. After about 6 months of my pregnancy I found I was going to have a boy. I wasn't happy at all. I went through the birth process and everything. My mom was still not happy either. She and my dad didn't buy anything for the baby and neither did I. I got a bunch of stuff from my friends but I didn't want them. I know it's harsh but I didn't. I didn't even want a baby. When it was time for me to have the baby, I couldn't. My mom always told me that when you have a baby and you don't love the person, bad things happen. I guess she had a point. I had the baby and everything. He was the cutest thing ever. About a day later when it was time to take him home, the nurse came in and told me that the baby had breathing complications and passed away that morning. I won't lie and tell you I was relieved. I was depressed, I cried for weeks thinking of what that baby could've done to his dad. It would have probably brought us together. But somethings arn't made to be. After I finished high school and applied to several colleges I got into UW. I quickly moved hoping to never see him again. As always I'm wrong."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"He's back. I really don't know what to do. I don't want to go back. I used to be different. I can't deal with his shit. He's forcing me to do things I don't want. I want him to burn in hell." I cried.

"Babe, why haven't you told anyone?" He asked.

"Because if I do he'll kill me. I don't think he's joking when he says that. Considering what I went through. He's perfectly capable of doing that. I don't want to die. I want to grow old with you and have babies and be a vet like I always wanted. I want him to leave me alone and let me live my life" I ranted.

"I want to grow old with you too" Colin said smiling.

"I don't know why I said that. I'm sorry, I need food," I yawned wiping my tears, "Do you wanna come eat with my family?"

"Sure" He said smiling kissing my forehead. I smiled and looked at him. I laughed and got on my bed. I stood up and looked down at Colin and planted a kiss on his lips.

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