Chapter 5

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Originally Published in 2012

Was a but rushed to write this, but hopefully you all will still like it! Let me know in the comments!

Picture: Alyson as Tarabelle / Song: Creature of the Night from The Rocky Horror Picture Show

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Chapter 5      

I kept my eyes tightly closed; there was no way in hell that I was opening them. Not until I was sure that everything that was going around me was a dream. For one thing, mermaids don't exist! I might have only taken folklore for a year at school, but that was enough for to know that even if mermaid did exist, they couldn't turn other people into mermaids! So I'm dreaming that's the only logical explanation.

"Breena, we're not supposed to be in here." I heard a voice whisper in the distance. Instantly I wanted to scream, but I forced myself to stay quiet and act like I was asleep.

"Be quiet Cyri." A voice snapped back, probably Breena's. "I just want to see if she's awake."

I am, but you'll never know, ha! I really wish that this dream would end soon, it's starting to seem incredibly real. Or maybe I was in a coma at the hospital because I jumped wrong, and I won't be able to wake up! That would be awful!

"She seems asleep; I suggest we leave now before Father gets back." Cyri's small but demanding voice pleaded.

"Look at the color of her tail." Breena replied, clearly ignoring her sister. What tail? My tail? I have a tail!?  I stopped breathing; this was only a dream, it had to be! But I clearly remembered seeing a tail, my tail before passing out. I mean fell asleep, I mean— oh what's the use.     

            "Yes, I wish that mine were those colors too, now we must leave!" Cyri pleaded again. "Taiven is already mad at us, and he will be furious to find out that we are here!"

            "Do you think that when she will wake up, Taiven will fall in love with her?" Breena asked spontaneously. I was hoping that there was someone else beside me, and they were talking about her. "She's beautiful, and I already appreciate her more than that angelfish Adara."

            Cyri gasped as if her sister had just said something wrong; meanwhile my head was processing what Breena just said, did she just call me beautiful? What the hell!

            "Breena, Father says that it is not okay to use those vile words; even if it is true." Cyri said. How does this girl speak? Who speaks like that these days?  It was hilarious! "Is that why you turned her?" Cyri asked her sister. "Because you wish for her to replace Adara?" Oh god I hope not. I probably just got turned into a mermaid, and the last thing I needed was to get married to some half-fish dude I never even met.

            "No" Breena said calmly. "I did not transform her for that." There was a pose. "I think we should leave now."

            Damn it, I wanted to know why she turned me. Because let's face it, this was all real. I was a mermaid. God wanted to punish me for trying to kill myself...

            I finally opened my eyes, everything was bizarrely bright and clear. A was laying on some big, flat, comfortable, smooth rock; I guess it's supposed to be a bed. Who knew you can lie down on stuff underwater? I turned my head and saw two young mermaid swimming towards the—well I guess it was a door.    

A Mermaid Tale - Book 1 (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now