Chapter 1: The Biggest Freak Ever

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She cringed when she heard the group of teenagers following her, Gabriella Montez had never been very good at handling difficult situations and she could tell this would be a difficult situation…for her anyway!

"Hey Four eyes, come back, we want to play." She heard one of the girls laugh, she turned to see Sharpay Evans in the middle of the group grinning nastily.

Gabriella walked a little faster, they would soon be on her like a pack of ravenous wolves and when she was out numbered seven to one it wasn't fun at all.

She closed her eyes tight for a moment trying to breathe deep and keep calm but how could she. You see, Gabriella Montez was known as East High's most nerdish girl. Since the first day she had arrived she had been treated inferior to the other teens and kicked about. It was torture and it was terrible for Gabriella, she sometimes wanted it all to end, her life to end but she would always think of her mother and what she would be feeling. How she would cope without her?

She opened her eyes when she felt her thin body bump into something very tall and strong. She dared herself to gaze up and found herself looking into the amazing but devilish eyes of Troy Bolton, East High's most popular Jock and the biggest bully known to Albuquerque.

"Well…look who it is, Geeky Gabi!" He jeered and Gabriella heard the others laugh around her, she was cornered now.

"Look…Tr…Troy…I don't…wa…want any trouble. I'm…I'm just…go…goin…going to Maths class." Gabriella stammered, looking at her feet.

"Oh really, well…you see Four eyes, I didn't do my homework last night so I'll just take yours." He laughed and he clicked his fingers and two other jocks, Jason and Zeke rammed her up against a locker and searched her bag for her maths homework.

"We've found it Troy." Zeke said holding it up, eager to please the most popular jock.

"Great, I'll definitely get an 'A+' for sure." Troy laughed and those around him laughed too.

"Oh…but I worked…so hard…on that." Gabriella complained.

"And it'll show too, don't worry, I'll make sure that it gets graded first, just for you." Troy said and he held her up against the locker and the rest of the gang laughed.

No – one really tried to stop them, though many would want to. Troy Bolton wasn't someone to be messed with, ever! The last boy who even tried was in hospital for six weeks, almost in a coma.

"Please…just…let me –" But before she could say any more one of the girls had snatched her book away and they proceeded to play piggy in the middle for it, watching as she struggled to retrieve her treasured book.

One of the girls looked at it properly, "Harry Potter, what a freak! Stuck in the world of magic are we geeky Gabi." She laughed cruelly.

Before Gabriella could even reply the bell had rung and the group soon departed.

"Jerks!" Gabriella called after them.

Troy seemed to have heard and he turned back with his eyebrows raised.

"What did you say?" He bellowed making Gabriella flinch.

"No…nothing." He stammered.

He walked over to her and glared at her viciously, she knew he wouldn't hit her, Troy wasn't the type to do that, no the girls would take care of her.

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