Memory Loss Chapter 26

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*Well hello there! I know it has been WAAAAY to long since the last upload. And I feel sooooo bad about it. School was horrid and had me swamped. But now it is summer time so expect more uploads! Sadly Memory Loss doesnt have many chapter's left... But feel free to check out another story of mine! ENJOY THE CHAPTER <3 SHARE, LIKE, ENJOY***

Chapter 26 


*With the others* 

They all took a break for an hour or so when the sun was close to completely being down. But they only stayed that way for a few hours so that they could continue on, hoping Jake and Bella found somewhere to sleep and that they could catch up with them if they moved through the night. They were all pretty much half asleep when Raven woke them from their slumber. 

"Guys come on lets get up!" She said going around nudging everyone with her foot to wake them. Everyone groaned and pushed her foot away. 

"Cant we rest just a tad longer Raven. We only rested for like 3 hours, I cant function off that!" Wined Jesse. Max came beside her to hold her from the side around her shoulders to try and calm her down a bit. Because everyone knows how cranky Jesse is when she doesn’t get enough sleep.  

"Jesse, listen to me. Jake and Bella are ahead of us. Knowing them they found somewhere to rest for the night. So if we keep moving..." Raven said moving her hands forward towards Jesse to see if she could connect the dots. She waited for a bit but Jesse just stared at her waiting for her to finish, Raven sighed "So if we keep moving through the night while they are resting we have a greater chance of meeting up with them before its to late. 

"Ooooh that makes a lot of sense Raven. Sorry I'm still pretty tired and cant connect things together that easily when I'm this tired. You all know that." Jesse said giggling while putting her arms around Max's waist and then giving him a smooch. 

So with that the group continued on through the dark of night in attempt to catch up with Jake and Bella. 

*Damen POV* 

"Hello!!! I know you pricks are in there. Can one of you come out here for a minute. I have information to tell you about Bella." I yelled towards the door where I could here the two watching something on the television. A second later I heard their chairs move back and they came out the door. 

"So what information do you have for us laddy." Tyler said arms still crossed with his little side kick beside him.  

"Come closer and I'll tell you. my throat is sore from yelling and from the lack of food and water I've gotten while here. So if you want to get the information. Come closer." I said with a fake cheesy smile as if to show I'd given into them. 

Tyler gave me a look of distrust...Which was smart since he should. But instead of coming over himself he nodded to Mr.Creepy to go towards me. He came forward slightly. "Come closer I cant talk to that distance." I said faking a scratchy voice and adding a cough to top it off at the end. He listened and came right beside me. I made a motion as if to move his ear next to my mouth to whisper the information into his ear. He did so and that’s when I made my move. I reached slowly and carefully towards his side and grabbed his keys and said in his ear "did you actually think that I would tell either of you jack shit about my love? Are you really that moronic?" He started to step away so I raised my voice. "Wow I knew you guys were dumb but I gave you more then this. You wont EVER! get anything from me!" I jolted forward stupidly and dropped the keys to the ground. Fuck. 

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