Chapter thirteen~ Brother

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"I-I'm... I'm sorry Fred. I didn't know what I was doing..."
I told her what happened last night. I told her how I felt when she did them, and the things we did to each other. When I was finished her face looked like her poured red paint on her face.
"I'm sorry Freddy. I can get... wired when I drink."
She looks down, her hands holding each other. I look at them.
I remember the way she held me last night. She way she talked to me.
"I'll try to not let that ha-" she stopped when I suddenly put my hand on hers.
"It's ok. I didn't feel uncomfortable." I quickly say. Ok that sounded better in my mind...
(Y/n) smiled, her (e/c) eyes looked at me, so innocent and soft. I wanted to stare at them forever. I then turned my eyes another direction.
"...what was my reaction during when we...?" She then fell silent.
I gave a tiny sigh.
"You...acted liked it..." I whispered the last part.
She blushed even more, trying to hide her wide smile with her hand. This made me smile, pushing back my messy hair a bit. There was another part of silence, but a comfortable one.
"So are you ready to face the others?" She asks. I give a sigh and a smile. I shrug. She then gives me a peck on the cheek, which made me widen my eyes in surprise. She turns my head towards her, her finger under my chin.
"Now are you ready?" She smirks. I quickly nod and accidentally let out a giggle.
She slowly opens the door, revealing everyone pretty much all up on the bathroom door. When they noticed me blushing crazy and (y/n) smirking, everyone gave me and her smiles. I smile back as I scratch the back of my neck.
"What do y'all wanna do today?" She asks happily, like nothing happened. I sigh in relief.
"I dunno." Valerie giggles.
(Y/n) get out her phone and tries to find something interesting. She gasp and jump a bit.
"Do y'all know star-gazing?!" She asks with big eyes.
"What's that?" Baby questioned.
"It's when you lay down in the middle of pretty much nowhere and look at the stars. There's a meteor shower tonight!"
The rest oooed.
"We would love to, but we're going to be busy today." Diane says as she packs some stuff.
"Yeah, we'll see you later, (y/n)." Toby says as he grabs her hand. He kissed it, which made her blush a bit.
"Bye!" (Y/n) smiled. After she gave hugs to her other friends, they headed out of the door. Just before Toby left, he gave me a glare. I roll my eyes then walk up behind (y/n). I wrap my arms around her neck, which made her smirk at me. She holds my neck between her hands and closes her eyes.
"Do you wanna go star gazing?" She asked softly.
"I thought I was already gazing at a star." I say as we made eye contact.
"Freddy!" She giggles, then we do Eskimo.
"Are y'all done yet?" Foxy smirks.
"No." (Y/n) purred as she twirled a piece of my hair with her finger. Unlike last night, I now felt comfortable, like this was actually her.
"When do we go?" I asked.
"Well, the stars come out at night, obviously, so we'll have to do something else until it's time. How about we go get breakfast?"
"Uh... it's 4 o'clock."
"I slept through most of the day??" She gasped.
"Yep. Pretty much." Foxy snickered.
"Well, let's go eat lunch.". (Y/n) says as she grabs a bag from the closet then walks to the bathroom.
"Freddy!" Bon bon whispers.
"This is perfect! You and (y/n) have been making me crazy!!!"
"Y'all two are soooo close!!! "Maybe you two could even have a child! Would you like a boy or a girl?"
"I would like to have a kid. How do you get one?" I whisper back.
Bon bon and foxy for some reason bursts into laughter. Ballora and baby giggle a bit.
"What? What's wrong? Do you get one from the store or something?" I ask. Foxy fell and started to hit the floor.
"What did I say??"
"You're gonna have to ask (y/n) for that info!" Foxy laughed.
I hear the bathroom door open. I turn my head and see her wearing a (f/c) shirt and jeans. Even though it wasn't much, it made me smile.
"Hey (y/n)?" I ask as she walks to the fridge.
"I was just wondering..."
She opened a water bottle and started to drink it.
" can we get a baby?"
She spit water on the floor.
"A baby?!" She says as she quickly stands up, blushing.
"Yeah. They keep laughing for some reason."
"He doesn't know where babies come from!!!" Bon bon laughed.
(Y/n) awkwardly laughs.
"Let me get a towel then I'll... explain..." she blushed more when she said explain. Why was everyone acting like that suddenly.
"Me and baby are going to go look outside." Ballora giggles as she stood up. They both walked outside.
"Me too I guess." Foxy smirked.
"The more you know!" Bon Bonn giggled.
"You're leaving me too?" I asked him.
"I already know!" Bon bon said then he closed the door.
(Y/n) came back with some towels. She started to clean up her mess.
" you know anything about pregnancy?" She asked.
I shook my head.
"Do you ever see mothers talk to their stomach?"
I nod. It was kinda wired that they did that.
"Well, there's a baby in the stomach. The baby is in a 'womb' which protects the baby."
"How does the baby get there?" I ask. Now this makes her awkwardly laugh.
"Well, when a guy and a girl want to have a baby, they do something..."
"What do they do?" I was so curious for how children are made.
"They do something certain that includes being in bed..." she says quietly then starts to giggle. I think about it. Bed? Girl and boy? It doesn't make any-OH.
I blush madly.
"J-just asking...would you like to have a child?" This made her eyes widen and made her face redder than ever.
"A child?! Like, of our own?"
I nod.
"But not right now!" I say quickly. She was breathing kind of fast right now.
"Well... even though they are a lot of responsibilities for having a child... I sometimes imagine having a child, so yeah." She looks at the gang outside, who were talking. I try to imagine if we had a child. I would like a girl, that would look and act just like (y/n). Sweet. Innocent. Kind.
(Y/n) stands up and throws the towels in a basket. She sits on the bed next to me. I scoop her up and hold her in my arms. She was so light. I put my forehead on hers and close my eyes. I quietly hum a song I would used to sing to kids.
"Freddy?" She asks after a minute or two. I hum a response.
"Can we eat? I'm hungry and the gang is staring at us."
A smile spreads on my face. I open my eyes and look in hers.
"Ok." I smile.
I let go of her and I tell the others to get ready.
After when we were ready, we went in her car.


We go to a breakfast diner, and it looked pretty big. Maybe a bit bigger than the circus pizzeria. We all go inside. (Y/n) tells a couple of things to a man, then we all go sit at a table. (Y/n) sits on my right, Bon Bon on my left, and the other three (in this order Foxy baby ballora) sit across from us.
"What do you want?" She asks when a lady passes out little books. I grab one and look in it. It had mostly pictures of yummy food.
"Pick whatever appeals most." She says. I get an idea and look at her.
"You look most appealing." I purred in her ear. She blushes.
"What's gotten into you?" She giggles. I shrug and smirk at her. "I guess I got out of my shell." I whisper as I kissed her on the cheek.
"Can you two make out later?" Foxy groaned. I roll my eyes and put my arm around (y/n)'s waist.
"Can I have this?" I ask as I point at one. She smiles and nods.
After we all pick what we wanted, the lady collected the books and left. (Y/n) talked to her for a while, then the lady left.
I was about to snuggle a bit with (y/n) for s bit until I saw someone. I gasped and his beer the table.
"Freddy?" (Y/n) asks. I didn't want him to see me. I didn't reply.
"What are you doing?" She asks.
"You... you have to come down here. I can't tell you up there." I whimper. She looked at me then sighed. She crawled under the table with me and sat against the wall beside me. I started to play with her hair a bit.
"What's wrong?" She asks.
"You know what we did to children when we were animatronics, right?" I whisper. She nods as she grabs my right hand and hold it.
"Well, one time, I accidentally killed a child, and the brother witnessed it. And I think he's here right now."
(Y/n) looks at me.
"Freddy, there's no need to worry. It wasn't your fault, and the child won't even recognize you. You're gonna be ok-"
"It's not. I know it's not. I killed his brother!" My eyes get a bit teary.
"Fred..." she tries to wipe my tear, but I push her hand away.
"The little boy loved Bon bon and me..." I whispered.
"Freddy, it's ok."
"Um, (y/n)?" Bon bon asked as he looked under the table. "They got food..."
"Oh." She slowly sat back up on the chair. There was a lady and she gave (y/n) a questioned look.
"Heh, sorry. I dropped one of my contacts and by boyfriend's helping me get it."
"Oh, would you like me to help?"
"No thank you I already found it." (Y/n) acted like she had one between her fingers, then quickly pretend to put it in her pocket.
"I'll clean it later. Hey Freddy? You can come out now." She says as she looked down at me. I didn't say anything.
"Fred, please come out." She whispered to me. I heard a little bit of anger from her voice which scared me a bit, so I slid out out of the table and sat down. The lady gave us some food. I looked down at the table until the she left.
I looked down at my food. It looked really good, but I didn't want to eat. I felt like someone was watching me. I look around. Some people were giving me looks and whispering things to people beside them. I look back at my food. I started to feel nauseous.
"I... need to go to the bathroom." I said as I stood up. "Bon bon needs to, too." Bon Bonn looked p from his plate, his mouth stuffed with bacon.
"What? No I-" he started, until I gave him a look. He chewed on his food a bit the swallowed.
"Fine." He grumbled. After I asked (y/n) where the bathroom was, we both walked over there. There were stalls (which seemed wired), so we both went into one and locked it.
"What do you want? This better be more important that yummy bacon."
"I saw the child." I say as I sat down on the toilet seat.
"What child? There's ton of Children."
"The one with yellow eyes."
Bon bon gasped.
"Don't worry. He won't recognize you nor me." Bon bon said, but his voice was shaky.
"I'm scared." I said as Bon bon licked his fingers a bit.
"Don't be. It's gonna be-" he stopped when the bathroom door opened. There were footsteps. My eyes widen as Bon bon claimed on my lap. Then they stopped. There was a long stretch of silence, only the unsteady breathing on my breath.

"Come out, Freddy and Bon bon." Said the brother.

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