Chapter Four

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-(Jenna's POV)-

           I woke up to a sudden and large bounce on my bed. Without even opening my eyes, I could tell that it was Benji. He had told me he was getting back from Texas the night before and now he was bouncing on my bed.

          Benji was mine and Kylie's gay best friend. We kept him around, no matter how weird he might get, because just being in his presence can make someone’s mood go from depressed to happy in about 2.5 seconds. He was about 6'3" tall, and he had bright purple hair that was always sticking up in every direction, it looked pretty goofy, but he enjoyed it and that’s what counted. I swear he and Kylie were like children, and I was their mother, and they’re both older than me. Benji had the biggest caramel colored eyes I had ever seen in my entire life, it was like they could see into your soul. And he had piercings. Dimple piercings, and the ends were covered in tiny pink and purple rhinestones.

           When I opened my eyes, I found those huge caramel eyes glued to my face.  "Good morning sleepy head." Benji said cheerily. I screamed, louder than I ever had before, my voice straining to reach that high pitch. Benji jumped off of my bed and hurled himself backwards "Woah! Nice to see you too Jenna. Someone's a grumpy bear in the morning." He said sounding a little bit hurt.

           I sat up straight, panting and rubbing my eyes to clear the sleep from them. "Sorry Benji. But that was a little creepy and pedophile like." I told him, straining to see him through the light that was lightly pouring through the only window in my room.

           "I KNOW! That's why I did it!" He yelled smiling. When he noticed me squinting he shook his head disapprovingly and grabbed my sunglasses from off of my night stand and plopping them clumsily on my face.  Then he jumped back on my bed, ruffling my dark purple blankets. "JENNA! Guess who I brought with me?!?!" He asked excitedly, leaning forward with anticipation.

           I laughed and fixed the glasses. "Who Benji?" I asked and blinked my green eyes, adjusting to the light.

           "NO! You're supposed to guess! That's why I said guess!" He screamed like a child throwing a hissy fit, just proving my earlier point about him being a child, even if he was twenty-one. I tried to come up with something to say but came up empty handed and only shrugged. "Slow as mother fucking asshole, LEXI! I brought Lexi with me!" He cheered gleefully.

           My feet flew to the ground and I looked at him with wide eyes under my sunglasses. "Is she here, like in the house?" I asked hastily.

            He smiled like a kid on Christmas morning and nodded enthusiastically.

            I dashed down stairs not even bothering to put any other clothes on. I wore black plaid girl boxers and a purple tank top. I wasn’t aware of much as I flew down those stairs, just that I had to see Lexi and that I looked like shit. My hair was like a tangle of blond and red strings, I didn’t have any make up on which I despised having anyone see me without that on, and my breath probably stunk. The only people I ever let see me like that were all inside my house so I didn’t see much of a reason for getting ready if I didn’t have to. After I was down the flight of stairs and turned around a corner I saw a little red headed girl sitting impatiently on my couch.

               Lexi was another one of my friends. She was a small girl or woman rather. She was twenty-two, so yeah that makes her a woman right? I think so, anyway, she was about 4'11", (see, I said she was little) and she had fire truck red hair that matched my couch. She dyed her hair more times than I can count. She had soft caramel skin and rarely ever wore make up, which was probably why I'd known her for eight years, and not once had I seen her with a pimple. Damn her and her natural beauty.

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